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TQC 2011 : The 6th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and CryptographyConference Series : Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://gcc.ls.fi.upm.es/tqc2011/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
CALL FOR PAPERS The 6th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography ---- TQC 2011 ---- Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid, Spain 24 - 26 May 2011 http://gcc.ls.fi.upm.es/tqc2011/ ======================================================================= Quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography are topics of a new and interdisciplinary field in the intersection of computer science, information theory, and quantum mechanics. The aim of the TQC'11 conference is to allow deep coverage of new and original research on these topics and to raise important problems that can benefit from theoretical investigation and analysis. The conference will be held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid from May 24th until May 26th, 2011 and will consist of invited talks, contributed talks, and poster presentations. The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to: * quantum algorithms * models of quantum computation * quantum complexity theory * simulation of quantum systems * quantum cryptography * quantum communication * quantum estimation and measurement * quantum noise * quantum coding theory * fault-tolerant quantum computing * entanglement theory () Invited Speakers: * Hector Bombin (Perimeter Institute) * Hans Briegel (Innsbruck) * Nicolas Gisin (Geneva) * Mio Murao (Tokyo) * Tobias Osborne (Hannover) * Umesh Vazirani (Berkeley; to be confirmed) () Post Proceedings: As for previous TQC conferences, a post-conference proceedings volume will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science to which selected speakers will be invited to contribute. () Program Committee: * Mohammed Amin (D-Wave) * Dave Bacon (Washington; Co-chair) * Dagmar Bruss (Duesseldorf) * Andrew Childs (IQC) * Richard Cleve (IQC) * Steve Flammia (Caltech) * Markus Grassl (CQT Singapore) * Peter Hoyer (Calgary) * Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto) * Elham Kashefi (Edinburgh) * Debbie Leung (IQC) * Hoi-Kwong Lo (Toronto) * Chiara Macchiavello (Pavia) * Vicente Martin-Ayuso (UPM) * Miguel Martin-Delgado (UCM) * Dmitri Maslov (IQC/NSF) * Michele Mosca (IQC) * Kae Nemoto (NII Tokyo) * Martin Roetteler (NEC Princeton; Chair) * Miklos Santha (Paris/CQT) * Pranab Sen (Tata Institute) * Simone Severini (London) * Jean-Pierre Tillich (INRIA) * Andreas Winter (Bristol/CQT Singapore) () Local (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) organising committee: * Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll (CSIC Madrid) * Alberto Ibort (Universidad Carlos III Madrid; Co-chair) * Juan Leon (CSIC Madrid) * Vicente Martin-Ayuso (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) * Miguel Martin-Delgado (Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Chair) * David Perez-Garcia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) * Diego Porras (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) () Conference series steering committee: * Wim van Dam (University of California, Santa Barbara) * Yasuhito Kawano (NTT, Tokyo, Japan) * Michele Mosca (IQC, University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute, Canada) * Vlakto Vedral (CQC, University of Oxford and CQT, National University of Singapore) () Important Dates: * Submission deadline: January 24, 2011 (23:59 CET local time) * Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 14, 2011 * Final version of extended abstracts: March 31, 2011 * Registration deadline: May 10, 2011 * Conference: May 24-26, 2011 * Post-proceedings submission deadline: End of June 2011 * Publication date: October 2011 For further information see http://gcc.ls.fi.upm.es/tqc2011/ _______________________________________________ |