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ICED 2011 : International Conference on Engineering Design


When Aug 15, 2011 - Aug 18, 2011
Where Copenhagen, Denmark
Submission Deadline Jan 14, 2011
Notification Due Mar 28, 2011
Final Version Due Apr 11, 2011
Categories    design   engineery

Call For Papers

The ICED conference series invites and encourages contributions from both academia and industry. For ICED11 we invite to a broad exchange of experiences and ideas, including participants with the following profiles:

Academics and researchers working in the field of the Design Science
Researchers and practitioners working on multidisciplinary aspects of design
Design, engineering and technical professionals and managers
Product development professionals and managers
R&D executives working with engineering design and product development strategies
National and regional development agencies, governmental bodies and research/industry policy organisations.

Whether you are a novice or an experienced professional in Design Research, Engineering Design or Product Development, attending ICED11 will be of benefit to you.

Conference Themes

Product development models and strategies
Design process modelling and management
Product innovation engineering
Industrial design

Researching of designs and design methods
Design theories and approaches
The role of design in the future
World class methods, products, societal welfare

Organisational understanding of product development
Design of organisational processes
Design of workspaces to manage product development
Market and business implications
Design practice: Best practice, industry practice (cases)

Product and system modelling
Product architectures, structural complexity
Platform design, modularisation, product family design
Product service engineering
Systems design (incl. mechatronics and mechanisms)
Intelligence-based design

Design tactics and methods
Requirement management, user orientation, user integration
Evaluation and decision
Modelling and simulation methods
Usage and integration of supportive technologies

DfX (for lifecycle) – Manufacturing, assembly, testing, use, recycling etc.
DtX (to properties) – Cost, time, quality, flexibility, etc.
DfS – Sustainability (Ecodesign), design for social sustainability

Knowledge intensive design
Design knowledge and collaboration
Representation of design information

Designers´ thinking, motivations and skills
Creativity and innovative thinking
Teamwork in design
Collaborative and participatory design
Design communication
Design for emotion and experience

Teaching examples and experiments
Education experiences, plans and visions
Training in engineering design (academic and industrial)

Review Process and Publication of Papers

Reviewed and accepted full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, provided the final papers are received by the appropriate deadline and conform to the layout guidelines. We will distribute the proceedings to the participants in electronic format which we intend to make available after the conference as ISI and Scopus indexed ISSN-registered hardcopies. Hardcopies of the proceedings will be available for order via the Design Society and various online bookstores.

The conference is attended by a number of editors from key high quality journals within the field of design research. We intend to put forward proposals for a number of journal special issues based on the themes of the conference, which we hope to recommend ICED11 papers for submission.

Papers submitted to ICED11 will be subjected to a double blind review process, carried out by the members of the Scientific Advisory Board. The review process will be based on the reviewers’ qualitative assessment of the paper along with scores for the following criteria:
RELEVANCE - Is the subject of the paper relevant to the theme of the call for papers? If a paper is not relevant, no review is necessary.

ORIGINALITY - Is the paper original presenting new ideas, approaches, results or insights? Does the literature review provide a clear baseline so that the reader can clearly understand the originality of the paper? Does it challenge existing assumptions? Is the work or a significant part of it as yet unpublished?

QUALITY - Are the aims and objectives clearly stated? Are research questions and/or hypotheses presented? Are the research approach, results, applications and/or case studies sound and carefully described? Are the arguments valid and consistent, and are reasonable assumptions and limitations stated? Are justified conclusions drawn? Are appropriate references quoted?

VALUE - What is its contribution to research, to industry, to practice, to education? Is it significant, useful and interesting?

PRESENTATION - Is the content clearly presented, structured and written? Is it easy and straightforward to read? Are figures, tables and equations clear? Is the paper an even number of pages and of appropriate length? Is the English clear and of a good standard?

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