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IASDR 2011 : World Conference on Design Research


When Oct 31, 2011 - Nov 4, 2011
Where Delft, Netherlands
Submission Deadline Feb 4, 2011
Final Version Due May 20, 2011
Categories    design

Call For Papers

We invite you to present your research into design at the IASDR2011 conference. Prospective contributors are asked to submit proposals for papers or posters not later than 4 February.

Diversity and unity
The theme of IASDR2011 is Diversity and unity. Contributions are invited from all different design disciplines. The conference aims to provide a unique global forum for the presentation and discussion of research into fundamental aspects of design activity and experience across all domains of application, including industrial design, architectural design and planning, different branches of engineering design, software, interaction and media design.

Sub-themes (include but are not limited to)
- Design processes
- Design methods and tools
- Design behaviour and design thinking
- Design for function, use, emotion, production, sustainability
- Design of concepts, objects, processes, services
- Universal design
- Design management, strategy and branding
- Cross-discipline design collaboration
- Future contexts for design
- Design globalization
- Educating future designers
- Design didactics
- Design research approaches
- Design case studies

Proposal submission

Proposals for papers (completed research) or posters (work in progress) should be no more than 800 words. They should describe the context of the research, questions addressed, hypotheses, how the research has been developed including research methods, findings or conclusions, and be supported by a sufficient number of bibliographic references. Clear indication must be provided whether the proposal is for completed research or work in progress. Images are not requested at this time.

Review process
All proposals will be independently peer-reviewed by at least two members of the IASDR2011 review committee. Authors of accepted proposals will receive an invitation to submit a full paper or a poster by 20 May. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work at IASDR2011. They will be allowed 30 minutes for presentation and to respond to questions.

Submissions of proposals are to be made here through the IASDR2011 Conference Management System, from 15 december on. For questions and queries, contact us at

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