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e-Smart 2011 : 12th Conference on the Future of Digital Security Technologies - Part of SMart Event


When Sep 21, 2011 - Sep 23, 2011
Where Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2011
Notification Due May 23, 2011
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2011
Categories    embedded systems   trust   cryptography   security

Call For Papers

As a part of Smart Event 2011, e-Smart'11 will take place in Sophia Antipolis nearby Nice, in one of the most delightful area of Southern Europe. The e-Smart'11 conference will provide a high level international forum for researchers, engineers, business managers, governmental professionals & industry leaders to share their vision, to present state-of-the-art research and to discuss the most recent advances in the global Smart Card and Digital Security domains, and their multiple application areas.
The conference focuses on topics such as secure hardware and embedded software, middleware security products and systems, and their related development & testing methods, tools, standardisation initiatives, or other relative topics.

The e-Smart Program Committee is inviting researchers and industry practitioners worldwide to submit papers for review and possible presentation. The Conference scope covers the general topics with respect to smart cards and other digital security disciplines. They may address one or more of the below mentioned topics, or others that authors believe to be of great interest to the audience.


Hardware Components & Embedded Software Technologies
► Smart Cards & Smart Secure Devices:
- Smart Secure Devices, Secure Mass Storage Cards, Trusted Personal Devices
- Mobile Trusted Computing & TPMs
- Innovative terminals and Trusted Appliances: Mobile Terminals & Equipments, PC, PDA, GPS, etc.
- M to M Technologies: Sensors, Monitors, MXML, RFIDs, Secure processors
- Secure Tokens, Tokens for Securing the Cloud

► Embedded SW Components & Technologies:
- Secure Operating Systems
- Trusted Virtual Platforms
- M to M, Smart Grids, Smart Metering, Sensor Networks, etc.
- Smart Card Web Server
- Java Card / 3.x & Next Generations
- Secure middleware

Sustaining Technologies & techniques
► Micro & nano Electronics and Emerging Semiconductor Technologies for Embedded Systems
► Microprocessors & Crypto processors, Memories; other Secure Mass Storage Technologies
► Smart Architectures:
- Innovations in Smart Cards and Trusted Personal Devices security
- Innovations in Security Specification, Testing and Evaluation Methods
- Cryptology & Cryptographic Implementations, Hardware & Software Advanced Ubiquitous Cryptography
- Formal Development Methods & Tools, Formal modelling of environments and Applications
- Smart Packaging, Innovative Micro-Packaging
► Smart Connectivity:
Trusted Technologies & Protocols for Wireless, NFC & Contactless, RFID & Sensors Networks, USB Wireless, Efficient Connectivity, etc.
► Internet Secure Protocols on Mobile and Portable Appliances
► Smart Security for WiMAX/LTE /4G systems and other Future Telecom & Network implementations

Industry Cooperation Organizations
► Industry associations, Industry market analysts, International Cooperative R&D Projects and Platforms,
► Security Evaluation & Certification Criteria, Methods & Schemes
► Standardization and Industry Associations’ contribution


Prospective authors must submit a short abstract using the submission template (Word document).
1. Short, explicit and appealing title.
2. Name, function, address, phone, e-mail, and affiliation of all the author(s) of the presentation together with a short description of the author(s)’ expertise.
3. The name of the actual speaker (only 1 person is allowed to present).
4. 3 to 4 bullet points (1 line max. each).
5. Length of the abstract: between 300-500 words (one A4 page).
6. Specify the conference they address to: e-Smart, Smart Mobility, World e-ID.

Submissions not conforming to these formatting instructions risk rejection regardless of their technical merit.

All submissions must be original ones, not previously published elsewhere, publicly presented or submitted in parallel to any other event. They should be informative and impartial. The Program Committees will review all submissions and will reject any commercially-oriented ones.

Submission Procedure
Authors are invited to submit their proposals electronically to
If authors do not receive acknowledgment within 72 hours, they are kindly invited to contact directly Lenick Perron – Strategies Telecoms & Multimedia - Phone + 33 1 48 59 99 32

Deadline for abstract submission is MARCH 31, 2011

Decisions and Presentation
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors on April 29, 2011
Authors of accepted papers commit themselves to present their paper at the conference. In case of personal impediment, the speaking person shall arrange a substitute speaker.

Speaker’s registration
The speaker’s registration rate is €475 (60% discount on the regular rate) giving access to the conference and to any other session of the co-located Smart Mobility and World e-ID conferences, during the whole Smart Event 2011.
Co-authors also benefit from preferential attendance rates. Speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses are not covered by the organizers.

Proceedings of each conference will be available at the opening of the event. Clear instructions about the proceedings will be sent to the authors of accepted papers.
The organizers commit themselves not to disseminate the presentations before the conferences.

Other important dates
► Official Program Appearance: May 23, 2011
► Complete presentation for the proceedings: August 31, 2011

e-Smart’11 will be combined with workshop sessions offering the opportunity for more focused exchange of ideas and presentation of on-going research, development or projects relative to these listed above.
The Program Committee welcomes workshop proposals providing sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, the goals of the workshop, and the size of the interested community. The workshop chairs must prepare and organize the building of their workshop program.
The conference organizers will include the workshop in the Smart Event promotion campaign. The logistics (registration, hotel booking, and other logistical services) can be handled by the organizers.
The workshop webpage can be hosted on Smart Event website and managed by our webmaster. Alternatively, the Workshop Chair can host the workshop webpage on a different server and Smart Event website will link to that page.
Submit your Workshop Proposals to
If authors do not receive acknowledgment within 72 hours, they are kindly invited to contact directly Lenick Perron – Strategies Telecoms & Multimedia - Phone + 33 1 48 59 99 32

Program Committee
PC Chairman: Jean-Paul Thomasson, Security Expert, Strategies Telecoms & Multimedia
Houssem Assadi, Head of R&D Department “Security & Trusted Transactions, Orange Labs
Yvon Avenel, Editor-Publisher, SmartCardsTrends
Gil Bernabeu, Technical Director, GlobalPlatform
Marc Bertin, Chief Technology & Strategy Officer, Oberthur Technologies
Sergio Cozzolino, Chair SC Group GSMA, Corporate Dept/Customer Integration, Telecom Italia
Marc Dacier, Senior Director, Symantec Research Labs Europe
Wolfgang Effing, Group Vice President, Corporate Technology, Giesecke & Devrient
Professor Erol Gelenbe, Professor in the Dennis Gabor Chair, Imperial College London
Christian Goire, President, Java Card Forum
Frank Jorissen, VP International Business Development, McAfee - Security Innovation Alliance
Joachim Koss, Standardization Manager, ETSI TC M2M Vice Chairman, Cinterion Wireless Modules
Professor Antonio Mana Gomez, University of Malaga
Professor Pierre Paradinas, Embedded Systems Chair, CNAM/CEDRIC
Clotilde Servajean, Convenor Communication Working Group, Eurosmart
Professor Georg Sigl, Institute for Secure Information Technology, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM)
Jörg Suchy, Senior Manager, Strategic Marketing EMEA - ChipCard and MCU, Samsung
Semiconductor Europe
Philippe Vallée, EVP, Telecommunications Business Unit, Gemalto
Frank Xu, Executive Director, Smart Card Forum of China

Related Resources

SECURWARE 2025   The Nineteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
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SENSORCOMM 2025   The Nineteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
CYBER 2025   The Tenth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems
SECRYPT 2025   22nd International Conference on Security and Cryptography
MMCET 2025   SCI/EI/SCOPUS--2025 International Conference on Materials, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering Technologies
ISM 2025   International Conference on Industry of the Future and Smart Manufacturing