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VISSOFT 2011 : 6th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis


Conference Series : Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis
When Sep 29, 2011 - Sep 30, 2011
Where Williamsburg, USA
Submission Deadline May 23, 2011
Notification Due Jun 27, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 25, 2011
Categories    software   visualization

Call For Papers

Software visualization is a broad research area encompassing techniques that assist in a broad range of software engineering activities, such as specification, design, programming, testing, maintenance, reverse engineering and reengineering.

In this workshop, we focus on visualization techniques that draw on aspects of software maintenance and evolution, program comprehension, reverse engineering, and reengineering, i.e., how visualization helps programmers to understand, analyze, and evolve software.

This event will gather tool developers, users and researchers in a unique format to learn about, experience and discuss techniques for visualizing software for understanding and analysis.

Software is inherently complex due to the number of artifacts in any system and their relationships. It is also unique in that it has both a static and a dynamic nature. This can affect the views that are applicable and useful, and even what constitutes a sufficiently complete view to support a comprehension task. There is a need to help support the program comprehension notion of discovering what a system does as well as how it does it. The goals of the workshop are to work towards being able to answer the question of what is a good representation for a given situation, data availability and required tasks. We will also consider the unique demands that software places on visualizations that other knowledge representations may not have to consider.

The workshop invites submissions focusing on (but not limited to) the following areas of interest:

* visualization of source code
* visualization of software architecture
* dynamic program behavior visualization
* visualization of parallel and distributed programs
* visualizing web services
* visualization of software repositories
* visualization in reengineering and quality assessment
* visualization of human activities in software development
* empirical evaluation of the use of visualization in software engineering
* integration of visualization tools in the software engineering tool chain
* layout algorithms for diagramming

We invite submissions as full papers (8 pages in IEEE proceedings format), short papers (4 pages in IEEE proceedings format), and tool demos (4 pages in IEEE proceedings format). Papers accepted to the workshop will be included in a proceedings published by IEEE.

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