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SFRRI Meeting 2012 : Society for Free Radical Research International 16th Biennial Meeting


When Sep 6, 2012 - Sep 9, 2012
Where London
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    free radical   chemistry   biology   medicine

Call For Papers

The 16th biennial meeting for the Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRRI) will be held at Imperial College London in the heart of South Kensington in London. This meeting will be a premier forum for the latest advancements in free radical research. International experts from a broad range of disciplines including chemistry, biology and medicine will gather in 2012 to discuss the impact of current research, concepts and applications of free radicals and antioxidants in medicine and pharmaceutical industry

The exciting scientific programme features morning plenary lectures, followed by afternoon parallel themed sessions as well as early evening poster presentations. Spanning four days, the meeting will bring together over 800 of your peers giving you a unique chance to network and interact with your international colleagues.

Why attend ?
Showcase your latest research in an international forum
Gain insight into the latest findings and expert review of advances in free radical
chemistry, biology and medicine
Join your peers for four days of scientific discussion, education and networking opportunities

Submit your research and attend today!

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