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NIZODAIRY 2011 : 7th NIZO Dairy Conference - Flavour and Texture: Innovations in Dairy (Elsevier)


When Sep 21, 2011 - Sep 23, 2011
Where Papendal, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Submission Deadline Mar 25, 2011
Categories    dairy   food science

Call For Papers

The NIZO Dairy Conference series is organised and hosted by Elsevier in collaboration with NIZO food research who are responsible for the programme and scientific content. This conference is the 7th in a series of meetings on key topics in dairy and food sciences.

Speakers announced:
Prof. Thomas Hofmann, Technische Universität München, Germany
Dr. Peter de Kok, NIZO food research, The Netherlands
Prof. Kees de Kruif, Utrecht University/NIZO food research, The Netherlands
Dr. Dave Mela, Unilever R&D Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Prof. Edmund Rolls, Oxford University, UK
Dr. Cindy Schweitzer, Global Dairy Platform, USA
Prof. Harjinder Singh, Massey University, New Zealand

Abstract submission deadline: March 25, 2011

The focus of the conference will be on the following themes:

Strategies to reduce sugar, fat and salt
Oral processing, mouth feel and perception
Flavour-texture interactions
Flavour formation, release and perception
Structure formation, stability and processing
Innovative dairy ingredients
Fortification (e.g. with minerals, proteins, vitamins)

The scientific committee of the symposium invites applicants for a Young Scientist Award

If you are a young scientist (student, PhD student or equivalent) and your submitted abstract is accepted for a presentation in the poster sessions, six successful applicants will be invited to make a short 10 minute oral presentation during the oral programme.

Go to the website to see the prizes for the best abstracts!

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