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IPDPS 2008 : 22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium


Conference Series : International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
When Apr 14, 2008 - Apr 18, 2008
Where Miami, FL, USA
Submission Deadline Oct 8, 2007
Categories    distributed systems   parallel processing

Call For Papers

IPDPS 2008 Call for Papers

*Return to this page after this date to submit papers.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that present original unpublished research in all areas of parallel and distributed processing, including the development of experimental or commercial systems. Work focusing on emerging technologies is especially welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Parallel and distributed algorithms, focusing on issues such as: stability, scalability, and fault tolerance of distributed systems, communication and synchronization protocols, network algorithms, and scheduling and load balancing.
* Applications of parallel and distributed computing, including web applications, peer-to-peer computing, grid computing, scientific applications, and mobile computing.
* Parallel and distributed architectures, including shared memory, distributed memory (including petascale system designs, and architectures with instruction-level and thread-level parallelism), special-purpose models (including signal and image processors, network processors, other special purpose processors), nontraditional processor technologies, network and interconnect architecture, parallel I/O and storage systems, system design issues for low power, design for high reliability, and performance modeling and evaluation.
* Parallel and distributed software, including parallel programming languages and compilers, runtime systems, operating systems, resource management, middleware, libraries, data mining, and programming environments and tools.

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