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MobileHCI 2008 : 10th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services


Conference Series : Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
When Sep 2, 2008 - Sep 5, 2008
Where Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Submission Deadline Feb 4, 2008
Categories    HCI   mobility

Call For Papers

Quick Facts

* Submission deadline: Monday 4 February 2008 (5:00pm CET)
* Submission format: anonymous 10 page paper in ACM SIG proceedings format, 150 word abstract, 30 word contribution and benefits statement attached as 11th page
* Submission: see submission instructions
* Notification of acceptance: Monday 7 April 2008
* Camera-ready version deadline: Friday 9 May 2008 (5:00pm CEST)
* Archives: printed conference proceedings, supplementary conference proceedings on CD-ROM and ACM Digital Library
* Chair: Boris de Ruyter (Philips Research Europe)

Full papers must break new ground and provide complete and substantial support for its results and conclusions. Successful submissions typically represent a major advance for the field of MobileHCI.

Papers must be anonymized and no more than 10 pages long, including figures, references, and appendices. Papers must contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long and clearly states the Paper's contribution to the field. Submitted PDFs must be no larger than 4 megabytes. Please read the ACM SIG proceedings format for detailed information on how your full paper should be written and formatted.

Your submission must be original work. It cannot have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under concurrent review for publication by another conference or journal. All references must be complete, accurate, accessible to the HCI public, and conform to the Conference Proceedings Publication Format. Do not cite publications that are proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.

Authors must develop a 30 word contribution and benefits statement for their Paper. A contribution/benefit statement describes the contribution made by the Paper to HCI and the benefit that readers can gain from it. This statement will be entered when the Paper is submitted, and will be seen and assessed by reviewers along with the Paper. This statement should also be appended as an additional page of your PDF file with no other content on this page.

Authors are advised to log into Conference Review System and become familiarized with the online submission process well before the deadline. Authors can submit and resubmit materials as often as they please before the deadline. This includes descriptive information (meta-data) you provide during the upload process, as well as the abstract, your full paper, contribution and benefits statement, and (optional) video figure.

The submission site will be locked promptly at the submission deadline on Monday 4 February 2008 (5:00pm CET), and authors will no longer be allowed access to the submissions. To be fair to all authors, no extensions will be granted.

Full papers undergo a rigorous review process, managed by the Program chair and a committee of meta-reviewers. Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference. Final camera-ready versions of accepted papers must be accompanied by a signed copyright form.

Accepted Full Papers will be distributed in the printed conference proceedings and supplementary conference proceedings on CD-ROM. They will also be placed in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.

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