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ATNAC 2011 : Australasian Telecommunication Networks And Applications Conference


When Nov 9, 2011 - Nov 11, 2011
Where Melbourne, Australia
Submission Deadline May 16, 2011
Categories    telecommunications

Call For Papers

Australasian Telecommunication Networks And Applications Conference
(ATNAC 2011)
9-11th NOVEMBER 2011, Melbourne, Australia

* MIMO and Multi-antenna Communications
* Ultra Wide Band
* Wireless Sensor Networks
* CDMA, TDMA and other air Interface
* Next Generation Wireless Technologies
* Satellite and Space Communications
* Multimedia Communications
* Network and Information Security
* Interface Optics, Wireless and Cooperative signal
* Grid Computing and service computing
* Wi-Max and LTE
* QoS and resource management
* Wireless routing and ad-hoc networks

* Relay assisted and cooperative communications
* Smart antennas
* Wireless propagation and channel modelling
* Cognitive radio networks
* Wireless access techniques
* Radio resource management
* Broadcast/Multicast wireless technologies
* Wireless LANs and PANs
* Modelling and simulation techniques
* Cellular and Mobile Communications
* Embedded Systems and Networking
* Peer-to-Peer systems
* Security, privacy and trust
* Grid, Cluster and Green Networking


With the increasing number of emerging robust networks, the challenge to design new networking protocols and techniques are never ending. With the imminent deployment of 4G and other emerging technologies, the demand for better service and quality has never been greater. ATNAC has been the forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss topics related to advanced telecommunication network technologies and services. Research areas covered by the conference include but are not limited to the following topics:

Paper submissions can be made via EDAS (

Paper Submission deadline : 16th May 2011

Workshop proposals deadline : 1st May 2011

Notification of Acceptance: 18th July 2011

Submission of camera-ready versions of accepted papers: 14th August 2011
Registration due date : 5th September 2011

Proudly supported by: La Trobe University and National ICT Australia

Honorary Chair
Prof. Phoebe Chen , La Trobe University, Australia
General Co-Chairs
Naveen Chilamkurti
La Trobe University, Australia
Abbas Jamalipour
University of Sydney, Australia
Track Chairs
Sherali Zeadally
University of District of Columbia, USA
Sudip Misra
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Jean Armstrong
Monash University, Australia
Jin Kwak
Soonchunhyang University, Korea
Masud Bakaul NICTA, Australia
An Tran NICTA, Australia
Steering Committee
Hsiao-Hwa Chen
National Chung Kung University, Taiwan
Thanos Vasilakos
University of Western Macedonia, Greece
James Park
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Mohammad Obadiat
Monmouth University, USA

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