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AAWSE 2008 : IEEE International Workshop on Agents for Autonomic Web-Service Environments


When Mar 25, 2008 - Mar 25, 2008
Where Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan
Submission Deadline Nov 20, 2008
Categories    agents   web

Call For Papers


The ever-increasing complexity of Web-Service environments and platforms makes the task of manually managing their configuration and smooth operation a challenging and time consuming task. Autonomic computing systems, that is, systems that are based on self-configuring and self-managing elements, have emerged as a promising approach to dealing with this increasing complexity.

In this workshop we aim at investigating agent models and architectures for autonomic elements in order to create autonomic Web service environments, where components are sensitive to the environmentâ??s workload and tune themselves, collaborate, and negotiate to provide a self-managed and self-optimized system.

We envisage that the workshop will identify issues for future investigation, establish links between researchers and encourage international collaborations.


Topics of relevance to the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Agent Architectures for Autonomic Elements
* Multi-Agent Systems Architectures for Autonomic Web-Services and their Environments
* Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Autonomic Web-Services
* Agent Learning Models for Autonomic Web-Services
* Models of Cooperation and Coordination for Autonomic Web-Services
* Understanding, Predicting, and Controlling Emergence and Evolution of Autonomic Web-Service Environments
* Self-Protection, Security, and Trust
* Open Grid Services
* Novel Paradigms based on Economic, Social, or other Analogies
* Service-Level Agreements, Negotiation and Conversation Support
* Visualisation and User Interfaces of Autonomic Web-Services
* Experiences with Autonomic Web-Services based on Agents

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: 20 November 2007
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 20 December 2007
Camera Ready Due: 15 January 2007
Workshop: 25 March 2007


We welcome and encourage submissions of original papers of theoretical or practical significance, which are not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should be written in English. A full paper of at most 8 pages (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced), including figures and references, using 10 fonts, and number each page. You can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the following web page:

All submissions should be sent either in PostScript format or in PDF format by email to Jamal Bentahar ( and Kostas Stathis (

At least one author of each accepted papers must register for the workshop.

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