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IIBM 2008 : 2008 International Workshop on Intelligent Informatics in Biology and Medicine


When Mar 4, 2008 - Mar 7, 2008
Where Barcelona, Spain
Submission Deadline Oct 20, 2007
Categories    biology   medicine   computational biology   bioinformatics

Call For Papers

2008 International Workshop on Intelligent Informatics in Biology and Medicine (IIBM 2008)

in conjunction with
Second International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2008)

March 4th - 7th, 2008

Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain


Advances of information technologies have facilitated and accelerated the research on molecular biology
and medicine in the past few decades. Great success has been achieved. However, to move further more
sophisticated technologies are needed. The applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning,
and data mining in this area can help the researcher to discover new knowledge. This is a very important
direction. This workshop wishes to attract state-of-the-art solutions and novel attempts in this field.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

- Gene expression analysis
- Gene identification and annotation
- Protein/RNA structure prediction
- RNAi and microRNA analysis
- Sequence and structural motifs
- Microarray analysis
- Modeling of biochemical pathways
- Drug design
- Genomics and protemics
- Systems biology
- Medical signal/image processing
- Computer assisted surgery
- Medical/ healthcare informatics
- Biomedical text mining and information extraction

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: October 20, 2007
Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2007
Author registration: December 15, 2007
Camera ready papers: January 15, 2008
Workshop Dates: March 4-7, 2008

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit research and application papers following the IEEE Computer Society
Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced, including figures and references, using
10 fonts, and number each page. You can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines
at one of the following web pages:

The authors should submit a full paper (6 pages), representing original, previously unpublished work.
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness,
and clarity of exposition.

The papers should be submitted electronically via CISISā??08 website. Contact author must provide the
following information of the paper: paper title, authorsā?? names, affiliations, postal address, phone,
fax, and e-mail address of the author(s), about 200-250 word abstract, and about five keywords.

Submission of a paper implies that should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will
register and present the paper in the conference. Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing
and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance. Proceedings of the
CISIS-2008 conference and workshops will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.

Organizing & Program Committees:

General Co-Chairs:
Hui-Huang Hsu, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Sun Kim, Indiana University, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
Vipin Chaudhary, SUNY at Buffalo, USA
Vincent S. Tseng, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Program Committee:
Tatsuya Akutsu, Kyoto University, Japan
Chaur-Chin Chen, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan
Youping Deng, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Jorng-Tzong Horng, National Central University, Taiwan
Chien-Yeh Hsu, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Chun-Nan Hsu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Jun Huan, University of Kansas, USA
Jari Hyttinen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Jaewoo Kang, Korea University, Korea
Hyunsoo Kim, Harvard University, USA
David P. Kreil, Boku University Vienna, Austria
Li Liao, University of Delaware, USA
Martin Middendorf, University of Leipzig, Germany
El-Ghazali Talbi, LIFL (CNRS-INRIA-USTL), France
Robert Stevens, The University of Manchester, UK
Daming Wei, University of Aizu, Japan
Limsoon Wong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

Steering Committee:
Hui-Huang Hsu, Tamkang University, Taiwan

For any further inquiries, please send email to

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