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Mediating Multilingualism 2008 : Mediating Multilingualism: Meanings and Modalities


When Jun 2, 2008 - Jun 5, 2008
Where Jyväskylä, Finland
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2008
Categories    linguistics   semantics

Call For Papers

Submissions are solicited for 20-min. papers and posters relating to the conference theme. Studies on any languages and disciplinary takes (e.g. sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, discourse studies, pragmatics, ethnography, and language learning and teaching) are welcome. The main working language of the conference is English. Individual papers and posters can be presented in other languages, but no interpretation services are automatically provided by conference organization. Young scholars are encouraged to contribute; five postgraduate students from non-EU countries will be excused from paying the conference fee (applications to be included in the online registration form, to appear on the conference website).

Abstracts in English (max. 300 words) should be submitted via "submission" on the conference website, under submission of abstracts. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2008. All submissions will be reviewed; notification of acceptance March 15, 2008.

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