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Computer Journal 2008 : Special Issue on Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jan 21, 2008
Notification Due Apr 7, 2008
Categories    ambient intelligence   agents   semantic web   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

the Computer Journal

ISSN : 0010-4620

Special Issue on "Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence"

Aim & Scope

Ambient Intelligence (AmI) seeks to create a society based on unobtrusive, often invisible interactions amongst people and computer-based services in a global computing environment. Services in AmI will be ubiquitous in that there will be no specific bearer or provider but, instead, they will be associated with a variety of objects and devices in the environment, which will not bear any resemblance to computers. People will interact with these services through intelligent and intuitive interfaces embedded in these objects and devices, which in turn will be sensitive to what people need.

In this special issue we aim at presenting the application and development of Artificial Societies for AmI, establish a body of knowledge and a theoretical umbrella for this, and use the resulting research to relate existing work on areas such as the semantic web, cognitive and social agents, and ambient and ubiquitous technologies. We also hope to present current research in the area of agent societies for AmI, where human activities are supported by social organisations of agents, computing devices or both, and assess the outcomes of such research. Our intention is to complement existing Ubiquitous Computing efforts that focus more on distributed systems and less on complex systems construed as artificial agent societies. This special issue therefore aspires to amalgamate ongoing research in distributed systems and complex multi-agent systems with the aim of strengthening the synergy between the two fields.

We encourage the submission of innovative and mature results in specifying, developing and deploying artificial societies for ambient intelligence. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

* Social architectures
* Agent Interaction
* Reasoning and knowledge representation
* Reactivity and pro-activity
* Learning and adaptivity
* Decision making
* Co-operation and co-ordination
* Social Emergence and Evolution
* Normative Reasoning and Regulations
* Security, Trust and Privacy
* Interaction Design and Interfaces
* Mobility
* Applications

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: January 21, 2008

Acceptance Notice: April 7, 2008

Final Manuscript: May 2, 2008

Publication Date: 2nd Quarter, 2008 (Tentative)

Submission Guidelines

The work submitted must be in the form of high quality, original papers, which are not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should be formatted according to the journal style, and not exceed 25 pages including figures, references, etc. The papers must be submitted via the journal web submission route and simultaneously submit a PDF version of complete manuscript to

Submitted papers will be peer reviewed according to their originality, quality and relevance to this special issue and the journal.

Guest Editors

Dr. Fariba Sadri

Department of Computing,

Imperial College London, UK


Dr. Kostas Stathis

Computer Science Department,

Royal Holloway, University of London, UK


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