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IPCC 2008 : The 2008 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference


Conference Series : International Professional Communication Conference
When Jul 13, 2008 - Jul 16, 2008
Where Montreal, Canada
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2007
Categories    management

Call For Papers

Call for Panel and Paper Proposals

IEEE International Professional Communication Conference 2008 (IPCC 2008)
Conference Theme: Opening the Information Economy
Conference Location: Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
Conference Dates: July 13-16, 2008

The information economy is based on the collection and the exchange of data and ideas. We all either contribute to or use materials from the information economy in most aspects of our everyday lives. As a result, the information economy exists as an environment in which we are all contributors and consumers. Within this system, effective communication is essential to success, allowing individuals to contribute ideas and information effectively and to make efficient use of the goods and services. Few of us, however, understand all of the nuances of the information economy or the communication factors that affect its operations.

This conference seeks to examine or to open this economic model by examining the connections between communication practices and the products, practices, and services that constitute the information economy. The objective of such an examination will be to help attendees better understand and participate in the information economy as both contributors and consumers.

The conference will take place on the campus of Concordia University in Montréal, Canada and will consist of paper presentations and panel discussions that focus on various communication, design, social, and cultural aspects of the information economy.

Possible Topic Areas
Suggested topic areas include but are not limited to the following:
- Establishing and assessing the value of knowledge work and knowledge products
- Information design, usability, and accessibility
- Virtual teams, online collaboration, and distributed models of work
- Cross-cultural communication, globalization, outsourcing, translation, and localization
- Legal policies and social issues related to the information economy
- Media selection and multimodality
- The role of and perspectives on teaching and training within the information economy
- Content management, open source software, single sourcing, and XML

Proposal Submission Process and Submission Dates
Send 1-2 page (250-500 word) proposals to by
- 15 October 2007 (deadline for submissions to be considered for early acceptance)
- 15 December 2007 (deadline for regular submissions)

For conference- or proposal-related questions contact:

Send your proposal to the IPCC 2008 Program Chair at by 15 December 2007. Please send proposals as Microsoft Word document files or .rtf files attached to an email message and use the words IPCC 2008 Proposal in the subject line of the related email message.

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