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D-CLOUD 2011 : The 2011 International Workshop on Data Cloud


When Dec 12, 2011 - Dec 12, 2011
Where Hong Kong
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2011
Categories    databases

Call For Papers

The 2011 International Workshop on Data Cloud (D-CLOUD 2011)

Hong Kong, Dec. 12, 2011

Cloud computing unifies data, users, and computation on a vast scale and provides elastic computational capability that scales with the data size. The 2011 Workshop on Data Cloud (D-CLOUD) will address on topics related to data processing in the cloud, including the infrastructure, interfaces, algorithms, applications, middleware, systems, and empirical study.

By posing research questions related to data and their processing in the cloud, D-CLOUD aims to catalyze dialog between cloud computing practitioners and researchers, to open the veil of secrecy that has surrounded many cloud-based technologies, to foresee and understand the challenges for data-intensive computing, and to increase the potential impact of promising solutions underway in the systems, database, network, and programming communities. While it is important to analyze the performance, reliability, and complexity of the current technologies, D-CLOUD also looks forward to research work that explores novel solutions to problems in data storage, processing, and analytics. Contributions devoted to the evaluation, optimization, or enhancement of cloud based data technologies, as well as solutions for emerging areas from all layers of the architecture, are solicited. The topics covered by the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following research areas:

- Data storage infrastructure
- Cloud-based data analytics
- Cloud-based data services
- Datacenter technology
- Data processing as a service
- Cloud applications
- Discovery of data, services, and other resources
- Fault-tolerance and reliability
- Mobile data clouds
- Performance modeling
- Empirical study and evaluation
- Public versus private clouds for data services
- Scalability
- Design and implementation of cloud-based data systems
- Traffic and load balancing
- Algorithms for cloud-based data processing
- Programming languages and support
- Data semantics and consistency models

Important Dates:
Paper submission Oct. 1, 2011
Paper Acceptance Nov. 1, 2011
Camera-ready paper Nov. 20, 2011

Submission Guidelines:
We invite submissions of both position and research papers expressing new ideas, research directions, or relevant research results. Submissions consist of up to 6 pages using 10-point Times Roman font, including the bibliography. The paper should also include the names of all authors and their affiliations. Submissions will be judged on originality, clarity, relevance, and, above all, potential impact on data processing and cloud computing. The paper submission site of this workshop is at

Workshop chair:
Lin Gu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Program Committee
Yaohui Jin, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Qiong Luo, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Karsten Schwan, Georgia Institute of Technology
Charles Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Gong Zhang, Huawei Technologies
Xue Liu, McGill University

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