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LAK 2012 : Learning Analytics and Knowledge


Conference Series : Learning Analytics and Knowledge
When Apr 29, 2012 - May 2, 2012
Where Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Submission Deadline Oct 16, 2011

Call For Papers

Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2012
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
29 April – 2 May 2012


We are experiencing an unprecedented explosion in the quantity and quality of information available not only to us, but about us. We must adapt individually, institutionally and culturally to the transition in technologies and social norms that makes this possible, and question their impacts. What are the implications of such data availability for learning and knowledge building — not only in established contexts, but also in the emerging landscape of free, open, social learning online?
Within the learning technologies research and development community, this question has catalyzed the International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, now in its second year.
Learning Analytics is concerned with the collection, analysis and reporting of data about learning in a range of contexts, including informal learning, academic institutions, and the workplace. It informs and provides input for action to support and enhance learning experiences, and the success of learners.
Learning and Knowledge Analytics 2012 supports the emerging academic field by connecting the community of researchers and developers, creating and disseminating new developments and practices, studying transformations, and providing ongoing evaluation and critique of the conceptual, technical, and practice outcomes
We invite submissions to the LAK 2012 conference, which will be held 29 April – 2 May 2012, in Vancouver, BC, on topics including but not limited to:

=== TOPICS ===
1. Conceptual & Empirical
* Connections between learning analytics and the learning sciences (e.g., self-regulated learning, critical thinking, sense making and learning analytics)
* New models of learning enabled by analytics
* Educational research methods and learning analytics
* Learning analytics in relationship to other fields (e.g., institutional analytics; educational data mining)
* Communicating analytics (e.g., data selection, display, visualization, user groups)
* Ethical considerations (e.g., privacy and ownership)
* Learner modeling
* The influence of analytics on designing for learning
* The influence of analytics on delivery and support of learning
* The study of emotion, flow, and affective data in learning analytics
* Validating analytics empirically
* The limits of web analytics

2. Technical
* Social network analysis
* Cross-platform and cloud learning analytics
* Learning environments that capture different kinds of data
* Software development and use in analytics
* The role of knowledge representation and ontologies in learning analytics
* The semantic web and linked data: meaning in connections
* Data mining in learning analytics
* Artificial intelligence in learning analytics
* Internet of things (sensors) and learning applications
* “Big Data” applications and opportunities in learning and education
* Latent semantic analysis/natural language processing
* Attention metadata
* Architecture of learning environments and implications to learning analytics

3. Application
* Visualization: data, learner networks, conceptual knowledge
* Predictive applications of data
* Interventions based on analytics
* Social and technical systems to manage information abundance
* Personalization and adaptivity in the learning process
* Corporate and higher education case studies of learning analytics
* Learning analytics for intelligent tutoring systems
* Open data: data access for learners
* Harmonizing individual learning with organizational learning
* Organizational learning and knowledge sharing models
* Importing insights for existing analytics
* Use of learning analytics in centralized (learning management systems) and decentralized (personal learning environments) settings
* Planning, deploying, and evaluating enterprise-wide learning analytics

* Full Papers (10 pages): Use a full paper to share substantive conceptual, technical and empirical contributions.
* Short Papers (4 pages): Use a short paper to share preliminary conceptual, technical and empirical contributions
* Design Briefing (4 pages): Do you spend more time building learning analytics tools than writing about them? Specifically with people like interface designers, system architects and programmers in mind, use a briefing to share a design concept, tool or challenge.
* Demonstrations (1-2 page abstract, including at least one link to a current demo video): A carefully planned, live demonstration of a tool is the most engaging and informative way to show interactive software, ranging from early prototype to robust product.
* Panels (up to 4 pages): Panels provide the chance for delegates to hear a range of speakers air a topical issue, e.g. diverse approaches to a problem, or a debate on a hot topic. 2 pages max, including the names of confirmed panellists. The final paper from the Panel’s chair may be up to 4 pages, including panellists’ position statements.
* Workshops (April 29, 2012): provide the opportunity to explore learning theory, analytics, methods and tools in depth. Workshops should be designed to be interactive and may reflect for example, compilations of short and/or enlightening presentations, demonstrations, and instructional workshops. The length of the Workshop sessions can be a half or full day allowing for sets of interactive activities for experience sharing and brainstorming. Please use the workshop/tutorial template, outlining the significance of the topic, the workshop format, and your track record.
* Tutorials (also April 29, 2012): provide the chance to take participants deep into a specific tool or technique in which you are experienced, or an introduction to a topic/class of tools. This could be as short as 1 hour, to a half day. Please use the workshop/tutorial template for submissions.

We are awaiting confirmation that the proceedings have been accepted for publication in the ACM Digital Library International Conference Proceedings Series. There are over 34,000 individual subscribers to the DL, and over 2,800 library subscriptions. This guarantees that the proceedings will be available to the widest possible audience of computing professionals.
All papers should be formatted using the ACM two-column style:
Please submit papers through the EasyChair conference system:

* Full Paper submission: October 16, 2011
* All other submissions: November 13, 2011
* Notification of acceptance: December 15 2011
* Camera ready versions: January 15, 2012
* Early bird-registration deadline: February 15, 2012
* Conference tutorials and workshops: April 29, 2012
* Main conference: April 30 – May 2, 2012

* Conference Chairs: Shane Dawson, Caroline Haythornthwaite
* Program Chairs: Dragan Gasevic, Simon Buckingham Shum
* Steering Committee: Linda Baer, Ryan Baker, John Campbell, Gráinne Conole, Dave Cormier, Maarten de Laat, Jon Dron, Erik Duval, Tony Hirst, Michael Kouritzin, Cyprien Lomas, Phil Long, George Siemens, Martin Weller, David Wiley, Martin Wolpers,
* Program Committee: Ebrahim Bagheri, Ryan Baker, Peter Brusilovsky, Gráinne Conole, Doug Clow, Shane Dawson, Anna De Liddo, Stefan Dietze, Erik Duval, Rebecca Ferguson, Sabine Graf, Tiong Goh, Marek Hatala, Nicola Henze, Jelena Jovanovic, Ralf Klamma, Kinshuk, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Allison Littlejohn, Lori Lockyer, Phillip Long, Riccardo Mazza, Patrick McAndrew, Gordon McCalla, Agathe Merceron, Tanja Mitrovic, Jad Najjar, Roger Nkambou, Xavier Ochoa, Kai Pata, Cristobal Romero, Demetrios Sampson, Miguel-Angel Sicilia, Hans-Christian Schmitz, George Siemens, Marcus Specht, Katrien Verbert, Martin Weller, David Wiley, Kalina Yacef, Amal Zouaq,

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