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CARPI 2012 : 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry


When Sep 11, 2012 - Sep 13, 2012
Where Zurich, Switzerland
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    robotics   power

Call For Papers

Conference Announcement

CARPI 2012 is a three-day event that will bring together stakeholders who are interested in robotics applications in the power industry. The program will include presentations of robotics solutions for construction, refurbishment, inspection and maintenance of power systems. R&D decision makers and robotics developers will have the chance to meet in a forum that allows them to share high-value solutions. The conference is expected to draw approximately 200 people from major organizations around the world.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

Mobile robotics, telerobotics, teleoperation, mechatronics, UAV, ROV applied to:

Transmission lines and substations
Turbines, underwater structures
Underground and overhead distribution systems
Hydro, nuclear, thermal and wind power generation systems

Scope of contributions may be:

Design, simulation and prototype
New technologies and applications
Field experience and benefits
Utilities' technology roadmap presentation

Who should attend:

The conference is intended for innovation-driven decision makers, system operators, end users, R&D development teams from electric utilities, research centres, manufacturers, universities and service providers.

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