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SSDBM 2012 : 24th International Conference on SCIENTIFIC and Statistical Database Management


Conference Series : Statistical and Scientific Database Management
When Jun 25, 2012 - Jun 27, 2012
Where Chania, Crete, Greece
Abstract Registration Due Jan 13, 2012
Submission Deadline Jan 20, 2012
Categories    databases

Call For Papers


Keynote speech by Dave Maier (Professor at Portland State University, USA)
Keynote speech by Ricardo Baeza-Yates (VP of Research for Europe and Latin America, Yahoo! Research, Spain)
Panel/Debate to be organized by Yannis Ioannidis (Professor at the University of Athens)


The SSDBM international conference will bring together scientific domain experts, database researchers, practitioners and developer for the presentation and exchange of current research on concepts, tools and techniques for scientific and statistical database applications. The 24th SSDBM will provide a forum for original research contributions and practical system design, implementation and evaluation. The rich program of the research track will be supplemented with invited talks and panel sessions, as well as illustrated demonstrations of research prototypes and industrial systems.

SSDBM 2012 will continue the tradition of past SSDBM meetings in providing a stimulating environment to encourage discussion, fellowship and exchange of ideas in all aspects of research related to scientific and statistical database management in beautiful Chania, Crete.


We solicit full papers (up to 18 pages LNCS style) describing original work relevant to the management of scientific and statistical data and not published or under review elsewhere. Papers selected after peer review will be included in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference. Topics of particular interest include (but are not limited to):

Modeling and representation of data, metadata, ontologies, and processes, e.g., array-based data models
Integration and exchange of data, including the federation and management of institutional data repositories
Design, implementation, optimization of scientific workflows
Cyberinfrastructure for scientific computing and eScience
Data-intensive and cloud computing
System architectures in support of scientific and statistical data management and analysis, e.g., multi-core, GPUs
Querying of scientific data, including spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal, and streaming data
Annotation and provenance of data
Mining and analysis of large-scale datasets
Security and privacy
Visualization and exploration
Data support, case studies, and applications – particularly for grand challenge science questions, e.g., sustainability, global climate change

We also invite short papers (up to 9 pages LNCS style) that describe systems and software or discuss new ideas or early work. Accepted short papers will be featured in poster-and-demonstration sessions and included in the proceedings.

Important Dates

January 13: Paper Abstracts due
January 20: Full and Industrial papers, panel, tutorial, and demo proposals due
March 29: Notifications to authors
April 16: Camera ready papers due

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