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EJC 2008 : The 18th European Japanese Seminar on Information Modelling


Conference Series : European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases
When Jun 2, 2008 - Jun 6, 2008
Where Tsukuba, Japan
Submission Deadline Jan 16, 2008
Categories    databases   ontology   semantics   software engineering

Call For Papers

OBJECTIVES: Information modelling is becoming more and more important topic for researchers, designers, and users of information systems. The amount and complexity of information itself, the number of abstraction levels of information, and the size of databases and knowledge bases arecontinuously growing. Conceptual modelling is one of the sub-areas of information modelling. The aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different areas of computer science and other disciplines who have a common interest in understanding and solving problems on information modelling and knowledge bases, as well as applying the results of research into practice. We also aim at recognizing and pursuing research on new topics in the area of information technologies, to which more attention should be paid. Therefore philosophy and logic, cognitive science, knowledge management, linguistics and management science are relevant areas, too. In the conference, there will be four categories of presentations, namelyf ull papers, short papers and position papers.

TOPICS: Modelling of information is necessary in developing information systems. Information is acquired from many sources, by using various methods and tools. It must be recognized, conceptualized, ande fficiently organized so that users can easily understand and use it. Information modelling also helps to master the role and functions of particular components of a system. Modelling is aimed at many different purposes, performed at different levels, and by using different notions and background theories. It should emphasize users' conceptual understanding of a domain, and it can be oriented to the level of processes or algorithms, data and knowledge, as well as communication between agents and representation of a domain. Diverse notions, rules, theories, languages, and methods for modelling at different levels have to be aimed at common understanding and use in different situations, including emergency ones. In this conference the interest is focused on information technologies, knowledgere presentation, process management, and new trends in these, including time-sensitive structures and communication in a multi-agent world.S cientific or technical papers of high quality are welcome on the topics including, but not limited to the following list. The highest priority will be given to papers which are strongly related todifferent aspects of modelling.

1. Theoretical and Philosophical Basis of Conceptual Modelling

* Information recognition, conceptualization, and concept formation;
* Properties of concepts, systems of concepts, and theories ofconceptual systems;
* Subjective vs. objective concepts;
* Conceptual systems' evolution and time, ontology of time;
* Concept integration and integration of modelling paradigms;
* Description of concepts, views, and viewpoint dynamics.

2. Information Requirements Specification (IRS)

* Ontologies, conceptual modelling, and natural language in IRS;
* Conceptual information requirements specification for information systems;
* Conceptual modelling for knowledge management;
* Languages, tools and methods for conceptual modelling;
* Multi-lingual conceptual systems;
* Methods and systems for developing and using conceptual information;
* Methodologies for ontology development, maintenance, and integration;
* Conceptual modelling of time.

3. Multimedia Computing & Data Modelling

* Cognition and creation for multimedia information;
* Modelling in multimedia information systems;
* Interface of processes, data and knowledge bases, and communication;
* Temporal and Spatial aspects of human-computer interaction;
* Semantic Web methods.

4. Conceptual Models and Intelligent Activities

* Cognitive strategies for model construction;
* Problem solving, modelling of temporal constructs, identity and change;
* Meta-modelling in the model building process;
* Relationships between knowledge management and problem solving;
* The ontology of social reality and the modelling process of social reality;
* Communication of agents in a multi-agent system.

5. Collections of Knowledge and Data

* Knowledge management for conceptual modelling and IRS;
* Conceptual modelling in spatial and / or temporal databases (geo-data);
* Modelling methods, design methodologies and tools;
* Collaborative knowledge management;
* Shared and multi-lingual ontologies;
* Ontology libraries and modular ontologies;

6. Software Engineering

* Design and use of concept definition libraries, design patterns, frameworks;
* Architectures of meta-models for information systems;
* Modelling software engineering processes;
* UML, ORM, Petri-nets, and other formalisms as modelling tools;
* Modelling dynamic reasoning and processes in multi-agent systems environment.
* Modelling systems of autonomous intelligent agents (multi-agent systems).

7. Applications

* Enterprise modelling and strategic concept development;
* Business-process modelling;
* Modelling global information systems;
* Mobile information systems and virtual organizations;
* Modelling in the WWW systems and conceptual models for web data.


* Sumission deadline: January 16th, 2008.
* The acceptance letters for all types of contributions will be sent by email by March 19th, 2008.
* In the case of acceptance, you are expected to send your final paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings to arrive no later than April 16th, 2008.
* The final version of accepted papers will be published by IOS after the conference in the Series of the "Frontiers on Artificial Intelligence". The final version of papers for this publication should be sent by Aug. 27th, 2008.

Send the paper electronically, in PDF format(recommended) or PS January 16th, 2008. You will find instructions for formatting, registering and submitting your paper for evaluation on the page:

The submission must be original, and must not be submitted anywhere else, or already accepted by any other conference or journal. The selection of papers is made on the basis of review, by theinternational program committee. Acceptance of papers will be based onthe originality of work, on the suitability of the topic to the conference, and on the overall quality of your submission. Papers may be submitted in the following categories:

SCIENTIFIC / TECHNICAL PAPER: You may submit your paper either as a full paper (max. 20 pages), or as a short paper (max. 8 pages).

POSITION PAPER: Research projects of any scale are invited to illustrate innovative concepts, theories, prototypes, or experiences. Your position paper (work-in-progress) should be no longer than 5 pages.

Please use only ANSI/ASCII or utf-3 fonts in your paper. No extra hidden codes, nor any other features that are specific to a special computer (or language) environment should be included in any form. Otherwise reviewers may not be able to open and read your paper. Once a submitted paper is found to be unreadable, the reviewing process may be stopped automatically without asking the second submission.


* The total number of participants at the conference is limited to 50.
* The authors present their papers at the conference. The papers are included in the preprints distributed in the conference.
* The final text of the papers can be polished for publication after the conference. Only actually presented papers will be published in the book.
* The final book will be published IOS Press after the conference in the Series of the "Frontiers on Artificial Intelligence".

More information: See

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