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UPGRADE-CN 2008 : Workshop on Content Networks


Conference Series : Use of P2P, GRID and Agents for the Development of Content Networks
When Jun 23, 2008 - Jun 23, 2008
Where Boston, MA, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 20, 2008
Notification Due Mar 20, 2008
Categories    networking   grid   agents   distributed systems

Call For Papers

Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) have emerged to improve the efficiency of static, time-dependent and rich media content delivery atop large-scale IP-based networks. The main objective of current CDNs is the efficient delivery and increased availability of content to the consumer. However, modern applications do not just perform retrieval or access operation on content but also create content, modify and manage content, and actively place content at appropriate locations. To deal with such new requirements, the more general Content Networks (CNs) are being introduced. Design and implementation of robust and efficient CNs in large-scale computing environments demand for emerging paradigms and software technologies. Agent, P2P and GRID computing paradigms have already demonstrated their suitability in supporting the development of high-performance systems over large-scale, dynamic and heterogeneous environments. Therefore their integrated use, which accounts for dynamism (P2P), robustness (GRID), and intelligence (Agents), can augment the effectiveness and boost the efficiency of future content distribution infrastructures.

In this workshop we are interested in the combined issues of using P2P, GRID and Agent paradigms and technologies to support effective design and efficient implementation of high-performance content networks.

Program Chairs

Giancarlo Fortino - Università della Calabria, Italy

Carlo Mastroianni - ICAR/CNR (Italian National Research Council), Italy

Mukaddim Pathan - University of Melbourne, Australia

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