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PerSysInCare 2012 : International Workshop on Pervasive Services, Systems and Intelligence in Healthcare


When Sep 26, 2012 - Sep 28, 2012
Where Melbourne, Australia
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2012
Categories    healthcare

Call For Papers

International Workshop on Pervasive Services, Systems
and Intelligence in Healthcare (PerSysInCare)

in conjunction with

The 15th International Conference on Networked-Based
Information Systems (NBiS-2012)

Melbourne, Australia
September 26-28, 2012

Submission Deadline : April 30, 2012
Author Notification : May 20, 2012
Author Registration : June 22, 2012
Final Manuscript : June 22, 2012
Workshop Dates : September 26 - 28, 2012

Imagine if our health status can be constantly monitored whilst
doing our daily routine, imagine if we can be alerted of a subtle
abnormality with our heart while we asleep, and imagine if we can
be advised of a potential life-threatening disease without the
need to see a physician, and finally imagine if all of these had
already been possible, how many lives could have been saved. These
are not myths ? in fact with the advent of pervasive computing and
ambient intelligence, the notion of "anytime" and "anywhere"
healthcare/medicine monitoring and management, which is coined as
Pervasive Healthcare, can be realized anytime sooner. Pervasive
Healthcare is predominantly supported by miniaturized mobile or
embedded information and communication technologies with some
degree of "intelligence" and advanced user interfaces.

Pervasive Healthcare is at the forefront of research, and presents
the ways in which mobile, sensor, embedded and wireless technologies
can be used to deliver the potential of pervasive healthcare. This
potential includes prevention, abnormalities detections, short-term
monitoring (home healthcare monitoring), long-term monitoring (nursing
home), personalized healthcare monitoring, mobile health monitoring,
remote monitoring and diagnosis, fall-detection and management,
assisted applications, drugs transportation and treatment, to name a few.

In achieving this potential, it is imperative to consider the systems,
applications, algorithms, logical models, solution architectures and the
associated devices and communications technology. Importantly, this
attempt comes with issues, requirements, and challenges that must be
addressed in order to orchestrate various technological advanced devices
and drive them to work intelligently and seamlessly together to eventually
make systems and services that help majority of the world?s population.

There are two key perspectives of Pervasive Healthcare, one being the
domain of application of enabling technologies and the other being the
concept that integrates healthcare more seamlessly to our everyday life.
Pervasive Healthcare will essentially lead to a radical change from doctor
centric to patient centric models.

The objective of this symposium is to bring a high-level international
forum for academics, engineers, scientists, researchers and research scholars
to address the challenges and discuss opportunities to explore new research
directions and develop new ideas by soliciting work in progress and completed
research papers covering the state of the art in pervasive computing, systems,
services, applications, technologies and intelligence for healthcare. The topics
of interest include but are not limited to the following:

- Pervasive Healthcare Systems
- E-Health and IT in Healthcare
- Wireless and Mobile Health Technologies
- Wireless and Mobile Health Monitoring
- Medical Decision Support Systems
- Ad Hoc Networks for Health Monitoring
- Assisted technology and application
- Mobile Mash-Up for Pervasive Healthcare
- Web-based Systems for Pervasive Health Monitoring
- Context and Situation Awareness in Healthcare
- Data management and solution architecture for Pervasive Healthcare
- Monitoring of Mental Health, Medication and Disability
- Incentives models in Wireless Health Monitoring
- Data stream and mining in Pervasive Healthcare
- Machine learning and pattern recognition/mining of large continuous pervasive data sets
- Intelligent systems for Healthcare
- Pervasive Healthcare Management
- Security and Privacy in Pervasive Healthcare
- Cognitive Sensor Networks for Ubiquitous HealthCare
- Multi-sensor data fusion for body sensor networks
- Wearable bio motion sensors and applications to monitor human activity

Authors are invited to submit research contributions representing original,
previously unpublished work. Please follow the following guidelines when
preparing your manuscript for review.

Write your original research in up to 6 pages (including all tables,
figures and references) ensuring that they are formatted in accordance
with IEEE Computer Society's guidelines. Please ensure the manuscript
paper size is A4 (210x297mm or 8.27x11.69in). Please visit for detailed paper
formatting instructions. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE
Proceedings (CPS) and available in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Submit your paper using the EasyChair online submission system on or before
the paper submission deadline. The link for the submission to PerSysInCare
2012 is

Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance,
technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. All papers will be refereed by
at least three members of the program committee. You will receive an e-mail
notification of the outcome of this review.

Best Papers from PerSysInCare 2012 will be nominated to submit an extended version
for consideration in a special issue in Mobile Information Systems (IOS Press -
impact factor 1.3; indexed by SCIE).

Steering Committee
Agustinus Borgy Waluyo, Monash University, Australia
Louis Shue, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore

Technical Program Committee (to be finalised)
Jit Biswas, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.
Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia
Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia
Maria Indrawan, Monash University, Australia
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia

For further information, please visit:

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