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DAS 2008 : 8th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems


Conference Series : Document Analysis Systems
When Sep 17, 2008 - Sep 19, 2008
Where Nara, Japan
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2008
Notification Due May 1, 2008
Categories    information retrieval   machine learning   pattern recognition

Call For Papers

The Eighth IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems will be held in Nara, Japan. DAS '08 will build on the tradition of past workshops held in Kaiserslautern, Germany (1994), Malvern, PA (1996), Nagano, Japan (1998), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2000), Princeton, NJ (2002), Florence, Italy (2004), and Nelson, New Zealand (2006).
Topics of Interest

include, but are not limited to:

* Complete, working document analysis systems
* Systems architecture
* Multilingual documents
* Algorithms for layout analysis
* Table and form analysis
* Document databases
* Document analysis for digital libraries
* Information extraction from document images
* Recognition of historical documents
* Multimedia document analysis
* Learning and classification methodologies for document analysis systems
* Document image processing for the Internet
* Performance evaluation
* Document image retrieval systems
* Algorithms for graphics recognition
* Document reformatting
* Camera-based document image analysis

Workshop Format

DAS '08 will be a 100% participation, single-track workshop with guest speakers, oral, poster, and demo sessions, working group discussions, and a banquet. Posters and demos will be introduced in short presentations to encourage the active participation of everyone. For the working group discussions, participants will be segmented into small groups, each of which will be assigned a topic of discussion. At the end of the workshop, results of the discussions will be summarized. The workshop proceedings published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series IEEE CS will be distributed at the workshop.
Paper submissions

We are soliciting original and unpublished contributions including regular and short papers. Regular papers must be accompanied by an abstract summarizing the contribution the paper makes to its field. Maximum regular paper length is 12 pages in the LNCS format and these papers will be included in the proceedings. Short papers should be four pages at most and will be included in the handout available at the workshop. Authors must explicitly indicate at the time of submission whether they would like their paper considered for the demo sessions. Submission of a paper involves a commitment that, if accepted, one or more authors will attend and participate in the workshop. The manuscript, complete with illustrations and an abstract, must be sent as a PDF file following instructions that will be posted on the web site.

Nara is a beautiful ancient "UNESCO World Heritage" city in Japan. It was the first permanent capital of Japan, established in 710 AD, and it is full of historic treasures, including some of Japan's oldest Buddhist temples. Nara is about 1.5 hours distance by bus from Kansai Airport. The workshop will be held in the Nara Prefectural New Public Hall located in the center of Nara National Park. Authors will have the privilege of making their presentations at the impressive "Noh Theatre" (see picture, right), designed for performances of the Japanese classical musical drama style, "Noh"
Honorary Chair

* The late Prof. Yasuaki Nakano (Japan)


* Koichi Kise (Japan)
* Hiroshi Sako (Japan)

Organizing Committee

* Masakazu Iwamura (Japan)
* Shinichiro Omachi (Japan)
* Seiichi Uchida (Japan)

Program Committee

* Apostolos Antonacopoulos (UK)
* Henry Baird (USA)
* Abdel Belaïd (France)
* Thomas Breuel (Germany)
* Horst Bunke (Switzerland)
* Mohamed Cheriet (Canada)
* Andreas Dengel (Germany)
* David Doermann (USA)
* Hiromichi Fujisawa (Japan)
* Venugopal Govindaraju (USA)
* Tin Kam Ho (USA)
* Jianying Hu (USA)
* Hisashi Ikeda (Japan)
* Rolf Ingold (Switzerland)
* Yasuto Ishitani (Japan)
* Cheng-Lin Liu (China)
* Soo-Hyung Kim (Korea)
* Dan Lopresti (USA)
* Simone Marinai (Italy)
* Satoshi Naoi (Japan)
* Il-Seok Oh (Korea)
* Masayuki Okamoto (Japan)
* Shinichiro Omachi (Japan)
* Umapada Pal (India)
* Shuji Senda (Japan)
* Sargur Srihari (USA)
* Chew Lim Tan (Singapore)
* Karl Tombre (France)
* Seiichi Uchida (Japan)


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