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DigiPro 2012 : The Digital Production Symposium


When Aug 4, 2012 - Aug 4, 2012
Where Culver City, CA, USA
Submission Deadline May 30, 2012
Categories    computer graphics

Call For Papers

Computer graphics research and technology have made immense progress in the last few decades. At the same time, industries have developed to incorporate these results into the production of breathtaking digital imagery. The quality of today’s digital effects in live action movies, computer animated movies and video games has reached a new level of realism and expressiveness. This is the result not only of more powerful algorithms and computers, but of other crucial ingredients such as specialized pipelines, production workflows, interdisciplinary collaborations, and skilled artists working long hours.

Digital Production Symposium 2012 (DigiPro 2012) encourages the sharing of algorithms, procedures and insights for the production of top quality visual effects and computer animation. The goals are to bring together scientists, engineers, artists and producers, and to close the gap between research results and industry needs.

The DigiPro symposium encourages the sharing of algorithms, procedures and insights for the production of top quality visual effects and computer animation. The goals are to bring together scientists, engineers, artists and producers, and to close the gap between research results and industry needs. Any novel idea with impact on digital film production can be submitted. The following categories serve as guidelines:

1. Production-relevant algorithms: novel algorithms which have been implemented and have been successfully used, or have the potential to be used in digital film production. Publication of source code is encouraged.

2. Adapted solutions: solutions based on previously published work, but adapted or extended to be useful in a digital production environment. This may include novel applications or innovative combinations of existing tools. Techniques from the game industry which have proven useful for film, or for authoring film and games together, are also welcome.

3. Production tricks and tweaks: practical solutions or workflows applied, for example, in cases where the theory fails, where there is no solid mathematical foundation, or where the “correct” implementation is not stable or fast enough.

4. Mixed team projects: a problem and solution presented by a combination of artists, engineers and producers. Topics could include a new tool, aspects of a production pipeline, or a “making of” some part of a movie. Reasons why a particular solution was used over another are encouraged.

5. Collaborations: the processes and/or outcomes of collaborative work, such as between artists and engineers, academia and industry, departments within a production company, or between several companies. Any experiences which could benefit future productions are welcome.

These will be reviewed by an International Program Committee.
Given the limited time between submission and final version, papers will be evaluated as submitted.

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