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Softvis 2008 : International Symposium on Software Visualization


Conference Series : Software Visualization
When Sep 16, 2008 - Sep 17, 2008
Where Munich, Germany
Submission Deadline Apr 11, 2008
Notification Due Jun 20, 2008
Categories    HCI   computer graphics   programming languages   software engineering

Call For Papers

Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, September 16-17 2008
(collocated with IEEE VL/HCC'08 and Diagrams'08)

Software visualization encompasses the development and evaluation of
methods for graphically representing different aspects of software,
including its structure, its abstract and concrete execution, and its
evolution. The ACM Symposium on Software Visualization, now at its fourth
edition, is the premiere forum for researchers from different backgrounds
(HCI, software engineering, programming languages, visualization, and
computer science education) to present original research on software

We seek theoretical as well as practical papers on applications, techniques,
tools, case studies, and empirical studies. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to, the following:

-Visualization of algorithms
-Visualization in software engineering, e.g. UML diagrams
-Visualization-based software in computer science and software engineering
-Visualization of workflow and business processes
-Integration of software visualization tools and development environments
-Visualization of data and processes in applications
-Visualization of web services
-Visualization of software evolution
-Visualization of the software development process
-Visualization of data base schemes
-Protocol and log visualization (security, trust)
-Source code visualization
-Graph algorithms for software visualization
-Visual debugging
-3D software visualization
-Software visualization on the internet
-Empirical evaluation of software visualization

Papers should present original, unpublished results and will be rigorously
reviewed by an international program committee. Authors should prepare and
electronically submit their papers (up to 10 pages in ACM two-column format)
according to the instructions on the symposium website (
Videos not exceeding 5 minutes in length can accompany a paper submission.


Papers Due: 11 April 2008
Notification: 20 June 2008
Symposium: 16-17 September 2008


General chair: Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen, Germany
Program co-chairs: Christopher Hundhausen, Washington State University, USA
Alexandru Telea, Groningen University, Netherlands

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