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NetSys PhD Forum 2013 : The Conference on Networked Systems PhD Forum


When Mar 11, 2013 - Mar 15, 2013
Where Stuttgart, Germany
Submission Deadline Sep 17, 2012
Categories    databases

Call For Papers

* Networked Systems 2013 *
* PhD Forum *
* NetSys 2013, Stuttgart, Germany *
* March 11-15, 2013 *
* *
* *

The doctoral colloquium at NetSys 2013 follows
the format of similar events at international
conferences such as PerCom, UbiComp, and Pervasive.
The aim is twofold. First, it should provide PhD
students in an early phase of their career with
the opportunity to discuss these with experts and
gain general feedback as well as specific comments
on their proposal. Second, this is an excellent
opportunity for a young researcher to start a
personal network with other PhD students as
well as with already established experts.

The aim of the doctoral colloquim is to discuss research
ideas and PhD projects at different - typically - early
stages. The colloquium aims at a friendly atmosphere which
shall inspire the participants and put them - and their
research - in the focus. A panel of experts will discuss
the research based on a short presentation. Interactivity
and discussion are the the goal.
In addition to the colloquium a presentation of all participants
at the main conference will take place as a poster session.
A brief introduction of the topics (One-Minute-Madness)
is used to attract conference participants.

Prospective participants are required to submit three different

at the point of submission:

1. Research Statement: a two-page abstract that sketches the
research proposal of the PhD student, the contribution to
knowledge and how the research will advance the state of the art.

2. Curriculum Vitae: a one brief CV that lists the education,
research interests and - if available - publications.

at the point of acceptance:

3. a poster that will be presented at the conference

Christian Becker (University of Mannheim)
Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aaachen)

Important Dates
31.Oct.2012 submission
14.Dec.2012 notification

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