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MSoDa 2008 : 1st Workshop on Mining Social Data


When Jul 21, 2008 - Jul 22, 2008
Where Patras, Greece
Submission Deadline May 3, 2008
Notification Due Jun 1, 2008
Categories    data mining   web   web 2.0

Call For Papers

Social Data are generated by online systems, such as YouTube, Facebook, Flickr and, where users store data and share experiences. In the recent years we have been witnessing the rapid development of online social websites and instant messaging systems. Due to the success of such systems, numerous web users everyday use the Web as a social medium to interact with other people and to share their experiences.

Social data mining is a new and challenging aspect of data mining. It is a fast-growing research area, in which connections among and interactions between individuals are analyzed to understand innovation, collective decision making, and problem solving, and how the structure of organizations and social networks impacts these processes. Social data mining includes various tasks such as the discovery of communities, searching for multimedia data (images, video, etc) personalization, search methods for social activities (find friends), text mining for blogs or other fora. Social data mining finds several applications; for instance, in e-commerce (recommender systems), in multimedia searching (high volumes of digital photos, videos, audio recordings) in bibliometrics (publication patterns), in homeland security (terrorist networks).

This workshop intends to provide a forum for researchers in the field of Data Mining, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, to discuss the above and other related topics regarding Social Media.

Workshop Topics

Possible topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):

* Social network analysis
* Bibliometrics
* Community discovery
* Personalization for search and for social interaction
* Recommender systems
* Web mining algorithms
* Applications of social network analysis
* Mining (Collaborative) Tagging Systems (blogs, wikis, etc.)
* Mining social data for multimedia information retrieval
* Opinion mining

Why the topic is of interest at this time?
User-centric content publishing and management Web applications (also known as Web 2.0 applications), such as wikis, web logs (blogs), and resource sharing systems, have been constantly developing and maturing in the last few years. Now that the hype of Web 2.0 is over, several limitations of social media have surfaced, such as information redundancy (synonymous tags), noise, ambiguity (polysemous tags) and spam. It is therefore now the right time for the application of sophisticated machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, information extraction, semantic Web and natural language processing algorithms that will improve the search for content, the navigation within the content and the overall user experience in these systems.

Related Resources

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AMLDS 2025   IEEE--2025 International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science
ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
Ei/Scopus-ITNLP 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Natural Language Processing (ITNLP 2025)
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