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BMSB 2009 : IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting


When May 13, 2009 - May 15, 2009
Where Bilbao, Spain
Submission Deadline Nov 12, 2008
Categories    broadcast technology   multimedia

Call For Papers

The IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) is an industry-oriented premier forum for the presentation and exchange of technical advances in the rapidly converging areas of multimedia broadcasting, telecommunications, consumer electronics, and networking technologies.

This industry-oriented Symposium will bring together content originators and distributors, wireless service providers, and technology developers and suppliers of equipment, systems, and consumer platforms, focusing on research and development, applications, and implementation of mobile and portable multimedia systems.

The symposium is focused on the following five areas:
Multimedia systems and services
Transmission and networking
Multimedia processing
Multimedia Quality; Performance Evaluation
Multimedia devices.
Among the topics to be explored will be Mobile TV, IPTV, Datacasting, and portable, mobile and handheld devices, from a systems and service-deployment perspective, as well as the enabling transmission and multimedia signal processing technologies.

The Broadcast Technology Society (BTS) is one of the founding organizations of IEEE, and has a history that stretches to the formation of the Institute of Radio Engineers in 1912. The mission of the BTS is to serve its members by helping them to maintain and enhance their technical proficiency and professional standing through the activities of the Society and its chapters worldwide in the field of broadcasting.

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is a research and education institution with more than 45000 students and a staff of 10000 members. The university is a technical sponsor of the 2009 edition of the BMSB conference through the Dpt. of Electronics and Telecommunications.

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