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CAC 2013 : The Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing


When Jul 29, 2013 - Aug 2, 2013
Where Miami Beach, FL, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2013
Categories    computer architecture   autonomic computing   cloud computing

Call For Papers

Recent advances in computing, networking, software and mobile technologies have led to the development of cyberspace services that are pervasive and ubiquitous and that touch all aspects of life and economy. Through such advances, cloud and autonomic services will revolutionize the way we do business, maintain our health, conduct education, and how we secure, protect, inform and entertain ourselves.

Along with these advances, however, we are experiencing strong challenges to our ability to ensure that our cyberspace resources and services are properly regulated, under appropriate review and control, manageable and secure. The insertion of increasingly automated processes and procedures into normal workflows for personal, scientific and business transactions requires extreme care in design of these systems to ensure that such challenges are properly met.

The main focus of the CAC is to be the premier international forum to present the latest research, applications, and technologies to make cloud and autonomic computing systems and services easy to design, to deploy and to implement, while achieving the simultaneous goals to be self-manageable, self-regulating and scalable with little involvement of human or system administrators.

Special Tracks

The CAC conference main topics are grouped into four special tracks: Autonomic Cloud Computing; Autonomics for Extreme Scales; Autonomic Cybersecurity; and Autonomic Computing Foundation: Tools and Applications. Program vice-chairs in each of these research areas will coordinate the efforts regarding papers focused in these tracks.

Autonomic Cloud Computing: Vice Chair Rosa Badia
Self-management cloud services
Autonomic cloud applications and services
Autonomic virtual cloud resources and services
Cloud workload characterization and prediction
Monitoring and analysis of behavior of cloud resources and services
Theoretical frameworks for modeling and analysis autonomic computing systems and services
Autonomics for Extreme Scales: Vice Chair Gregor von Laszewski
Large scale autonomic systems
Self-optimizing and self-healing at petacomputing scale
Self-managing middleware and tools for extreme scales
Experiences in autonomic systems and applications at extreme scales (petacomputing)
Autonomic Cybersecurity: Vice Chair Sherif Abdelwahed
Self-protection techniques of computing systems, networks and applications
Metrics to evaluate and performance of self-protection algorithms
Anomaly behavior analysis of autonomic systems and services
Data mining, stochastic analysis and prediction of autonomic systems and applications
Metrics to characterize and quantify the cybersecurity algorithms (confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of autonomic systems
Datasets and benchmarks to compare and evaluate different self-protection techniques
Autonomic Tools and Applications: Vice Chair Jim Dowling
Benchmarks and tools to evaluate and compare different architectures to implement autonomic cloud systems
High performance autonomic applications
Self* applications in science and engineering
Self* Human Machine Interface
Full visibility into the behavior of autonomic systems and services
Knowledge representation and visualization of behavior of autonomic systems and services

Related Resources

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