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FMCAD 2008 : Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design


Conference Series : Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
When Nov 17, 2008 - Nov 20, 2008
Where Portland, OR, USA
Submission Deadline May 12, 2008
Categories    design automation

Call For Papers

pplications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing. FMCAD 2008 will include a full day of tutorials, several invited speakers, a panel of foremost academic and industrial experts, and a high-quality technical program.

In the past, FMCAD was held in the United States on even years and its sister conference, CHARME, was held in Europe on odd years. Recently, these two conferences decided to merge to form an annual conference with a unified international community. FMCAD is now a yearly conference.

This year's FMCAD conference will be held in Portland, Oregon from November 17th through the 20th. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE and will be available online in the ACM Digital Library and the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. For details about the conference, including submission and registration information, follow the links on the left of the page.

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline May 12, 2008
Author feedback June 19-22, 2008
Acceptance Notification July 3, 2008
Final Version Due* August 17, 2008
Early Registration Deadline October 14, 2008
Hotel Registration Deadline* October 17, 2008
Conference November 17-20, 2008

Related Resources

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