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IWBNA 2013 : 6th International Workshop on Biomolecular Network Analysis


When Sep 22, 2013 - Sep 22, 2013
Where Washington, DC, USA
Submission Deadline Jun 22, 2013
Categories    bioinformatics   computational biology   biomedicine

Call For Papers

6th International Workshop on Biomolecular Network Analysis (IWBNA)
in conjunction with
ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (BCB 2013)

Systematic study of complex interactions between molecular components is a new paradigm for characterizing molecular functions and functional pathways in a genome-wide scale. Modeling and analysis of the inherent, dynamic, and structural behaviors of biomolecular networks from a topological perspective is a primary issue in current bioinformatics research. However, these tasks have been challenging because of the large scale and complex connectivity of the biomolecular networks, structured by high-throughput experimental data. Typical examples include protein interaction networks, gene regulatory networks, and metabolic networks. A wide-range of computational techniques, in particular, graph-theoretic approaches, might be applied for effective analysis of the large-scale, complex biomolecular networks. These studies will have a great potential for various biomedical applications.
The 6th International Workshop on Biomolecular Network Analysis (IWBNA) will be held in conjunction with ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (BCB) at Washington DC on September 22, 2013. This workshop aims to bring together researchers with expertise in bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology and graph theory, and provide a forum to discuss state-of-the-art approaches for biological network analysis and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
? Biomolecular network modeling
? Function prediction from biomolecular networks
? Signaling pathway identification
? Protein complex or functional module detection
? Protein and genetic interaction prediction
? Network motif analysis
? Network dynamics and evolution
? Graph data mining algorithms
? Querying and retrieval of interaction data
? Integration of genome, proteome and interactome data
? Semantic analysis of interactome data
? Application tools for biomolecular network analysis
Paper Submission
Papers should be formatted to ACM Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. A full-length paper in PDF (maximum 10 pages, 2-column format) should be submitted via online workshop paper submission system at (
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and ACM Digital Library. Selected high quality papers will be invited for publication in a journal special issue.
Important Dates
? Paper submission due: June 22, 2013
? Acceptance notification: July 1, 2013
? Camera-ready paper due: July 15, 2013
? Workshop date: September 22, 2013
Program Chairs
? Young-Rae Cho, Baylor University, USA,
? Pietro H. Guzzi, University of Catanzaro, Italy,
Program Committee (tentative list)
? Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, University of Oxford
? Concetto Spampinato, University of Catania
? Hesham Ali, University of Nebraska at Omaha
? Kamer Kaya, Ohio State University
? Marco Mina, University of Padova
? Maria Persico, University of Dresden
? Omar Odibat, Wayne State University
? Pierangelo Veltri, University of Catanzaro
? Pritam Chanda, Johns Hopkins University
? Saeed Salem, North Dakota State University
? Taehyoung Kim, Carnegie Institute - Stanford
Previous Workshops
? 5th IWBNA in conjunction with IEEE BIBM 2012 at Philadelphia
? 4th IWBNA in conjunction with IEEE BIBM 2011 at Atlanta
? 3rd IWBNA in conjunction with ACM BCB 2011 at Chicago
? 2nd IWBNA in conjunction with IEEE BIBM 2010 at Hong Kong
? 1st IWBNA in conjunction with ACM BCB 2010 at Niagara Falls

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