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WAODS 2008 : First IEEE/ACM Workshop on Applied Ontologies in Distributed Systems


When Oct 27, 2008 - Oct 30, 2008
Where Saint-Etienne, France
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2008
Categories    ontology   distributed systems

Call For Papers

First IEEE/ACM Workshop on Applied Ontologies in Distributed Systems (WAODS)
in conjunction with CSTST'08, sponsored by IEEE and in cooperation with ACM
October 26--30, 2008, Cergy Pontoise, France

Ontologies are becoming widespread in several and disconnected domains. Their usage lead to new software architectures, especially in the field of distributed systems. It is however difficult to measure the impact of the use of ontologies in those systems.
Obviously, feed backs from innovative software driven by knowledge management systems are mandatory for a better comprehension on how ontologies are used in real use case (how does ontologies perform in practice ? What is the benefit for the software architect using them ? What is the benefit for the user ? What are their limitations ? What are the drawbacks of using ontologies, rules for special domains etc.).

WAODS is a unique chance to make people interested in knowledge-based systems meet, from theoretical aspects to applied research project.

WAODS solicits research submissions on all topics related to ontologies in distributed systems, including but not limited to the following list:
- Knowledge Based Systems (KBS)
- Use cases and feed backs involving domain ontologies
- Ontologies integration
- Knowledge Engineering
- Rule based applications
- Common mistakes in ontologies design
- Interoperability and ontologies
- Semantic web and ontologies deployments
- Edition tools for ontologies
- Verification tools for ontologies
- Knowledge Management in distributed systems
- KBS in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Semantic information retrieval
- Ontologies in SAO and Web Services
- Web 3.0 ("Web 2.0 + ontologies")
- Ontologies and computer supported collaborative work
- Ontologies in e-commerce, e-government
- Ontologies in e-learning and e-science
- Ontologies and security
- Ontologies and Social Networks
- Ontologies in the Enterprise
- Evaluation of KBS
- Querying of KBS
- Communities in ontologies driven information systems
- Ontologies and Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Implementation issues for OWL and SWRL

Workshop co-chairs:
Dr. Christophe Gravier (Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne, France)
Dr. Jacques Fayolle (Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne, France)

Important dates:
Paper Submission: June 15, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2008
Camera-ready Version: September 17, 2008
Conference Dates: October 26--30, 2008

Submission Guidelines:
Full paper submissions should be in ACM format with a limit of 6 pages.
Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected.
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 independent reviewers of the PC.
At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper.

The papers must be uploaded using the online system provided at the workshop website:

The conference Proceedings will be indexed by ACM Digital Libraries and published with an ISBN.

For more informations, please visit the workshop website : or contact the workshop chairs at

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