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SenseCam 2013 : International SenseCam & Pervasive Imaging Conference


When Nov 18, 2013 - Nov 19, 2013
Where San, Diego, CA, USA
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2013
Categories    HCI

Call For Papers

The 2013 International SenseCam Conference will be hosted at Calit2 (Atkinson Hall) on the UCSD campus in La Jolla. The meeting will take place on Monday, November 18, and Tuesday, November 19, 2013.


This two-day conference, the fourth in the SenseCam series, will bring together international experts in computational science, behavior science, human-computer interaction, health sciences, and related fields. This gathering will facilitate innovative, transdisciplinary discussions of image and lifelogging data, including associated ethics, analysis, applications, design and user experience. The conference will feature keynote speakers, expert panelists, investigator presentations, and student posters, and it will aim to develop guidelines to allow comparable methods across studies to advance the science, as well as present current research exploring the integration of lifelogging technology and the interaction with the associated technology. In particular, we hope to identify new applications and opportunities to use images to change behaviors – demonstrating that a picture truly is worth a thousand words.

For more information, please contact Jacqueline Kerr.

Key Dates:

Submissions due June 30, 2013
Notification of acceptance will be August 15, 2013.

Organizing Committee:

Jacqueline Kerr (UCSD), Kevin Patrick (UCSD), Simon Marshall (UCSD), Serge Belongie (UCSD), Deb Forster (UCSD), Mingui Sun (Pittsburgh), Nadir Weibel (UCSD), Cathal Gurrin (Dublin), Tom Baranowski (Baylor), Charlie Foster (Oxford)

Program Committee:

Rami Abatal (Dublin City University, Ireland), Thomas Baranowski (Baylor College of Medicine, USA), Serge Belongie (University of California San Diego, USA), Niamh Caprani (Dublin City University, Ireland), Humprey Hsin-Chen Chen (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Alireza Fathi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Deborah Forster (University of California San Diego, USA), Charlie Foster (University of Oxford, UK), Kristen Grauman (University of Texas), Cathal Gurrin (Dublin City University, Ireland), Frank Hopfgartner (TU Berlin, Germany), Wenyan Jia (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Jacqueline Kerr (University of California San Diego, USA), Kris Kitani (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Sian Lindley (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK), Simon Marshall (University of California San Diego, USA), Walterio Mayol (University of Bristol, UK), Ana Cristina Murillo Arnal (University of Zaragoza, Spain), David Nguyen (Nokia Research, USA), Kevin Patrick (University of California San Diego, USA), Deva Ramanan (University of California Irvine, USA), Filippo Rossi (University of California San Diego, USA), Yoichi Sato (University of Tokyo, Japan), Abigail Sellen (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK), Alan Smeaton (Dublin City University, Ireland), Mingui Sun (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Nadir Weibel (University of California San Diego, USA), Steve Whittaker (University of California Santa Cruz, USA), Hong Zhang (Beihang University Beijing, China), Lijuan Zhou (Dublin City University, Ireland)

SenseCam Steering Committee:

Aiden Doherty, Steve Hodges, Emma Berry, Alan Smeaton, Chris Moulin, Sián Lindley, Charlie Foster


Microsoft Research, Calit2, Qualcomm Institute, Vicon Revue, Autographer

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