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EATIS 2014 : 7th Euro-American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems


Conference Series : Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems
When Apr 2, 2014 - Apr 4, 2014
Where Valparaiso, Chile
Submission Deadline Aug 19, 2013
Categories    HCI

Call For Papers

EATIS 2014 is focused on the communities, contents and technologies of e-Inclusion, e-Government, e-Health, e-Learning, e-Culture, e-Transport and e-Entertainment (local, regional, national and international), Web Semantic, and Web 2.0. In particular, EATIS 2014 encourages the use of Information System (IS), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Telematics Systems, making it easier for citizens to access government and public services at various levels, without any adverse impact on ethic aspects. - Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems permanent institutional goal is to actively promote academic collaboration between European and American continents universities. In this way, provide state-of-the-art discussions that can motivate key research directions to young researchers, local enterprises, and new R&D research groups. EATIS conferences are hosted consecutively in American and Europe continents: Colombia (2006), Portugal (2007), Brazil (2008), Czech Republic (2009), Panama (2010), Spain (2012), Chile (2014).

EATIS 2014 aims, but are not limited to, the production of scientific work around e|m-Inclusion, e|m-Government, e|m-Health, e|m-Learning, e|m-Culture and e|m-Entertainment (local, regional, national and international), Web Semantic, and Web 2.0 communities, contents and technologies.

Submitted papers hopefully should deal with issues about transversal services and applications such as Convergence Digital, Electronic, Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications. They should be oriented towards community and cultural enhancement, to build knowledge and skills for work, to improve work quality, citizenship participation as well as consumer choice.

EATIS 2014 encourages the use of Information System (IS) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), allowing citizens a better participation at various levels of government and public services, as well as the ethics component in the use of services and technologies related to IS and ICT.

For detailed information about main topics click here.


EATIS 2014 conference invites short papers, full papers and proposals for tutorials and seminars. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Critical parameters will include originality, significance, relevance, technical soundness, and language clarity.


July, 21st, 2013, Tutorial and Seminars Proposals Deadline

August, 19th, 2013, Short and Full Papers Deadline

December, 13th, 2013, Papers Acceptance Notification

January, 13th, 2014, Camera-Ready Papers

January, 13th, 2014, Early Registrations Deadline

February, 14th, 2014, Final Registrations Deadline

April, 2nd-4th, 2014, Conference Days

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