The Indian chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ACM IKDD) announces the first Conference on Data Sciences (CoDS). Data sciences encompass the larger areas of data analytics, machine learning and managing big data. Data analytics has become essential to glean some understanding from large data sets and convert data into actionable intelligence. With the rapid growth in the volumes of data available to enterprises, Government and on the web, automated techniques for analyzing the data have become essential. Machine learning is the backbone for identifying essential characteristics within the data, which when learnt make meaningful inferences possible.
Massive amount of content on the web is in the form of natural language (text); in addition to social media and blogs, almost every major newspaper, scientific journal and government publication is available as digital content. This textual information is a veritable goldmine for individuals, enterprises and governments. Consequently, accurate and efficient extraction and analysis of textual information is an area of considerable interest to researchers in academia and industry. Efficiently storing, querying, and processing big data using distributed platforms, novel multi-dimensional frameworks and parallel algorithms is required given the increasing volumes and variety of 'big data' becoming available. This conference will look at all issues related to data sciences.
We plan to publish the conference proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.