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W2GIS 2014 : 13th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems


Conference Series : Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems
When May 29, 2014 - May 30, 2014
Where Seoul, South Korea
Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2013
Categories    GIS

Call For Papers

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to as long as they address issues related to web and wireless GIS:

GeoSpatial databases, spatial search, data mining
Mobile spatial interaction
Geoweb search engines and services
Geosocial networks
Spatio-temporal data management
Geosensor data acquisition, processing and analysis
Smart environments and ambient spatial intelligence
Exploratory cartography and interfaces
3D modelling of cityscapes for location-based services
Location-based services applications in both real-world and virtual spaces
Security, privacy, and usability
Intelligent media structure, interaction, and distribution
Telematics and GIS applications
Ubiquitous and wireless GIS
Map personalization and adaptation
User studies and evaluations
Indoor and outdoor positioning, wayfinding, and navigation
Volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing
Advanced GIS visualization techniques for Web and mobile applications

Accepted papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) (pending approval). Each paper must be written in English, should be limited to 6000 words, and submitted in the LNCS format and PDF. Each paper must include a short abstract and a list of keywords indicating subject classification. The full names and addresses of the authors should be printed only on the title page. The author who is the contact person should be identified as such. Acceptance of a paper means an obligation for at least one of the authors to attend the conference and present the paper. A selection of best papers will be considered for a special issue of a journal publication.

Related Resources

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