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miproBIS 2014 : International Conference on Business Intelligence Systems


Conference Series : Business Intelligence Systems
When May 28, 2014 - May 29, 2014
Where Opatija, Adriatic Coast, Croatia
Submission Deadline Jan 13, 2014
Categories    business intelligence

Call For Papers

The term Business intelligence (BI) refers to applications and technologies used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information about company operations in order to help them to have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business. BI systems usually lean on data warehouses (DWs) to guarantee an easy and quick access to information. More than ten years of research in the data warehousing field paved the way for new applications that goes beyond traditional OLAP analysis and concern real-time, spatiotemporal as well as distributed data. Furthermore, BI research is now dealing with the integration of BI with Corporate Performance Management (CPM), Business Process Management (BPM), Social Business Intelligence, Semantic Web, and Big Data.
Like the previous successful editions, miproBIS 2014 provides an international forum where both researchers and practitioners can share their findings and practical experiences in the field of BI. In particular, besides submissions in traditional DW and OLAP topics, we encourage papers concerning emerging research topics and applications in the DW, OLAP and BI area.

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to:

Data warehouse design and schema evolution
Multidimensional modelling and queries
Data warehousing consistency and quality
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Tools for data warehousing and OLAP
Integration of data warehousing and data mining
Metadata management
Integration of Business Process Management (BPM) and Business Intelligence (BI)
Forecasting and simulation in Business Intelligence
Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and Business Intelligence
Balanced scorecards
Decision Support Systems
Active/real-time data warehousing
Data warehousing with unstructured and semi-structured data (e.g. XML)
Data warehousing and industry applications (e.g. ERP, CRM)
Data warehousing in mobile/wireless environments
Biomedical data warehousing
Cloud intelligence
Sentiment analysis
Warehousing stream and sensor data
Analytics for temporal, spatial and spatiotemporal data
Analytics for semantic Web
Analytics for multimedia data
Analytics for social networks

The authors of the Best Paper will be invited to send an extended version of their paper to the Editor-in-Chief of the Automatika Journal, where it may be published after an additional review.

As an addition to the conference, presentations of BI products and respective vendors are welcome.

Official languages are English and Croatian.

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