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SIAM DM 2014 : SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM14)


When Jun 16, 2014 - Jun 19, 2014
Where Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 11, 2014
Categories    discrete mathematics   mathematics

Call For Papers

Discrete mathematics is a branch of the mathematical sciences, with a wide range of challenging research problems and important applications in industry. Discrete mathematics has applications to all fields of computer science, and to the physical and biological sciences. It is used extensively in telecommunications, information processing and manufacturing, and many businesses and industries use techniques of discrete optimization to improve the efficiency of their operations.
Discrete mathematics is a dynamic field in both theory and applications. Researchers in discrete mathematics have established important connections with mainstream areas of pure and applied mathematics, and as a consequence, research techniques and problems are drawn from a wide range of different fields, including algebra, topology, geometry, probability, analysis and logic.

The purpose of this conference is to highlight the major theoretical advances in the field, the development of new tools for discrete mathematics, and the most significant of the new applications of discrete mathematics to problems arising in industry and business. The conference also seeks to bring together participants from the many different environments where discrete mathematics is developed and applied.


Discrete Mathematics, including:

Design Theory
Extremal Combinatorics
Graph Theory
Combinatorial Algorithms
Ordered Sets
Algebraic Combinatorics
Topological and Analytical Techniques in Combinatorics
Probabilistic Combinatorics
Combinatorial Number Theory
Discrete Geometry
Ramsey Theory

With connections to other disciplines, including:

Computer Science
Computational Biology
Game Theory

Related Resources

IJSCMC 2025   International Journal of Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control
SODA 2025   ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
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ICMAI 2025   2025 10th International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI 2025)
ICoMS 2025   2025 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICoMS 2025)
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