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S-3D 2008 : Workshop on Semantic 3D Media


When Dec 3, 2008 - Dec 3, 2008
Where Koblenz, Germany
Submission Deadline Sep 14, 2008
Notification Due Oct 5, 2008
Final Version Due Oct 26, 2008
Categories    computer visualization   knowledge representation

Call For Papers

* S-3D 2008 - CALL FOR PAPERS *
* Workshop on Semantic 3D Media *
* *
* Koblenz, Germany, December 3 *

In conjunction with the 3rd Int. Con. on Semantic and Digital
Media Technologies (SAMT 2008) .

The event is organized and sponsored by the EU FP7 IST project

Important Dates

* 14th September: Submission Deadline
* 5th October: Author's Notification
* 26th October: Camera ready
* 3rd Dezember: Workshop

Objectives and Topics

Research in the fields of representation and processing of the
semantics of visual media has received a very high push in the
last years. Semantic 3D Media is highly interdisciplinary and
its evolution is conditioned by how experts in Computer Graphics
will be able to communicate and exchange ideas and solutions
with the community of the Semantic Web.

S-3D wishes to establish a scientific forum for exchanging and
disseminating novel ideas and techniques in the emerging research
field of Semantic 3D Media. S-3D aims to foster the comprehension,
adoption and use of knowledge intensive technologies for coding
and sharing 3D media content in consolidated and emerging
application communities.

S-3D targets at the scientific community working in the field of
3D graphics and knowledge technologies and encourages a dialogue
between researchers and 3D content creators/users in a variety of
application domains, such as medicine and bioinformatics, gaming
and simulation, CAD and virtual product modelling, archaeology
and cultural heritage.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Semantics-driven 3D shape segmentation
* Formalization and representation of shape semantics
* Content-based 3D retrieval and classification
* Semantics-driven 3D visualization
* 3D media ontologies
* Semantics-based 3D modelling
* Knowledge driven multimedia content analysis and understanding
* Intelligent media creation and processing tools
* Knowledge based inference for semantic media annotation


Prospective contributors are invited to submit papers (max 4 A4
pages) via the SAMT 2008 submission tool

The contributions will be reviewed by the program committee and
the accepted ones will be presented during the workshop. We will
seek journal publication opportunities for a selection of the
workshop papers.

Invited Speakers

Additionally, we will invite speakers who are recognized as
important contributors to the topic of the workshop. The workshop
will end with a panel discussion session that will complement the
scientific view with an application perspective on domain-specific


Workshop attendees will have to pay the SAMT 2008 workshop
registration fee,and also register and attend the main SAMT
2008 conference.

Workshop Chairs

Bianca Falcidieno, CNR-IMATI, Italy
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, MIRALab, Switzerland
Remco Veltkamp, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

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