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MUM 2014 : The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia


Conference Series : Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
When Nov 25, 2014 - Nov 28, 2014
Where Melbourne, Australia
Submission Deadline Aug 1, 2014
Categories    multimedia   mobile

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) is a leading annual international conference, which provides a forum for presenting the latest research results on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. The conference brings together experts from both academia and industry for a fruitful exchange of ideas and discussion on future challenges, in a comfortable and effective single-track conference format.

The 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2014) will be held in Melbourne, Australia, November 25-28.

In addition to the peer-reviewed accepted papers, the conference program will include keynote presentations, posters, demos and an industry track. The conference will also have co-located workshops. The technical program will be complemented by several social events to facilitate informal discussions and networking among the conference attendees and invited guests.


Conference topics include, but are not limited to the following:

•Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia applications and systems

•Mobile user interfaces, interaction design

•Mobile games, entertainment and advertising

•Mobile social network and multimedia services

•Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services

•Mobile Augmented Reality and physical annotation systems and applications

•Architectures, systems and algorithms tackling technical challenges of mobile systems

•Middleware and distributed computing support for mobile and ubiquitous multimedia

•Tools and development systems for building mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems

•Case studies, field trials and user experience evaluations of new applications and services

•Social and privacy implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems

•Mobile and geo-crowdsourcing

•Mobile crowd computing

•Positioning technologies

•Spatial cognition for mobile multimedia applications

•Mobile activity recognition and media

Related Resources

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