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KES AMSTA 2009 : The 3rd KES International Symposium on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems - Technologies and Applications | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://amsta-09.kesinternational.org | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The 3st KES International Symposium on AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS - TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (KES-AMSTA-09) Uppsala, Sweden June 3 - June 5, 2009 1. INTRODUCTION KES-AMSTA-2009 is an international scientific symposium for research in the field of agent and multi-agent systems. The aim of the symposium is to provide an internationally respected forum for scientific research in the technologies and applications of agent and multi-agent systems. Agents and multi-agent systems are related to a modern software paradigm which has long been recognized as a promising technology for constructing autonomous, complex and intelligent systems. This symposium will provide and excellent opportunity for researchers to discuss modern approaches and techniques for agent and multi-agent systems and their applications. KES-AMSTA-2009 is organized by KES International and Uppsala University, Sweden, and will take place in Uppsala. 2. INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS Papers are invited from prospective authors with interests on the indicated symposium topics and related areas of application. All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period. Contributions from more applied related fields in industry and commerce are very welcome. All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the KES-AMSTA-09 International Programme Committee. The symposium proceedings are planned to be published by Springer-Verlag in LNCS/LNAI series (subject to confirmation). Submitted papers should be prepared in LNCS/LNAI style and should not exceed 10 pages. Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in special issues to be included in several journals indexed by ISI, KES Journal and Int. Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Ph.D. students are invited to submit papers to Doctoral Track. Special sessions are also welcome. 3. PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION Papers are invited from prospective authors with interests on the indicated symposium topics and related areas of application. All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period. Contributions from more applied related fields in industry and commerce are very welcome. All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the KES-AMSTA-09 International Programme Com-mittee. The symposium proceedings are planned to be published by Springer-Verlag in LNCS/LNAI series (subject to confirmation). Submitted papers should be prepared in LNCS/LNAI style and should not exceed 10 pages. Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in special issues to be included in several journals indexed by ISI, KES Journal and Int. Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Ph.D. students are invited to submit papers to Doctoral Track. Special sessions are also welcome. 4. TOPICS OF INTEREST Agent Systems Formal models of agency. Agent architectures. BDI architecture. Learning, evolution, and adaptation. Perception and action. Communication: languages, semantics, pragmatics, protocols, and conversations. Knowledge representation Computational complexity. Autonomous or humanoid robots. Social robots and robot teams. Autonomy aspect. Cognitive models, including emotions and philosophies. Embodied and believable agents. Emergent behaviour. Ontologies. Multi-agent Systems Cooperative distributed problem solving. Task and resource allocation. Mechanism design, auctions, and game theory. Modelling other agents and self. Multi-agent planning. Negotiation protocols. Multi-agent learning. Conflict resolution. Trust and reputation management. Privacy, safety and security. Scalability, robustness and dependability. Social and organizational structures. Verification and validation. Novel computing paradigms (autonomic, grid, P2P, ubiquitous computing). Brokering and matchmaking. Agent-oriented software engineering, including implementation languages and frameworks. Mobile agents. Per-formance, scalability, robustness, and dependability. Verification and validation. E-business agents. Pervasive computing. Privacy, safety, and security. Tools and Applications Simulation systems. Web services and service-oriented computing. Artificial social systems. Autonomic computing. Case studies and reports on deployments. Computational infrastructures. Information retrieval. Web services and semantic web. E-learning sys-tems. E-institutions. E-commerce. 5. ORGANIZATION COMMITTEES Honorary Chair: L. Magnusson, Uppsala University, Sweden General Co-Chairs: A. H?kansson, Uppsala University, Sweden and N.T. Nguyen, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Executive Chair: R.J. Howlett, University of Brighton, UK Program Co-Chairs: R.L. Hartung, Franklin University, USA, and D. Sharma, Canberra University, Australia Local Organizing Chair: T. Palm, Uppsala University, Sweden Publicity Co-Chairs: Z. Kiziltan, University of Bologna, Italy and E. Moradian, Uppsala University, Sweden Invited Session Chair: L.C. Jain, University of South Australia, Australia Doctoral Track Chair: A. Pietrusiewicz, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland KES-AMSTA-2009 is part of the AMSTA Series Chair: N.T. Nguyen, which is a sub-series of KES International Conference Series, Chairs L.C. Jain and R.J. Howlett 6. Programme Committee_ (Tentative list) Ajith,Abraham Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology Bielikova,Maria Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Brzykcy, Grazyna Poznan University of Technology Capkovic,Frantisek Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Carbonell,Noelle Nancy Universite, France Chen,Shyi-Ming National Taiwan University of Science & Technology Chirayath,Jayan Kurian Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Chonggun,Kim Dept. of Computer Eng., Yeungnam University Czarnowski,Irek Gdynia Maritime University, Poland Davidson,Paul Blekinge Institute of Technology Hakansson,Anne Uppsala University, Sweden Hartung,Ronald Franklin University, Ohio, USA Jatowt,Adam Kyoto University Jedrzejowicz ,Piotr Gdynia Maritime University,Poland Jezic,Gordan Unviersity of Zagreb Jung,Jason Yeungnam University, Korea Juszczyszyn,Krzysztof Wroclaw University of Technology Karsaev,Oleg St.-Petersburg Institute fir Informatics and Automation Katarzyniak,Radoslaw Piotr Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Ko,In-Young Information and Communications University Kolaczek,Grzegorz Wroclaw University of Technology Krol,Dariusz Wroclaw University of Technology Kudenko,Daniel Dept of Computer Science, University of York Kuwabara,Kazuhiro Ritsumeikan University, Japan Lee,Eun-Ser Andong National University Computer Engineering Lee,Huey-Ming Chinese Culture University Lee,Jaeho The University of Seoul Ng,Wee Keong Nanyang Technological University Orgun,Mehmet Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney Pan,Jeng-Shyang National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science, Taiwan Prasad,Bhanu Ras,Zbigniew University of North Carolina-Charlotte, USA Reghunadhan,Rajesh School of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Ricci,Alessandro Alma Mater Studiorum University di Bologna Savarimuthu,Bastin Tony Roy University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Sidhu,Amandeep Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Sobecki,Janusz Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Takama,Yasufumi Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Thomas,Wojciech Politechnika Wroclawska, Poland Zeng,Daniel Chinese Academy of Sciences and Univ of Arizona, USA Zhan,Justin CMU Zhang,Wen-Ran Georgia Southern University, USA 7. IMPORTANT DATES Submission of papers: 10 Nov. 2008 Notification of acceptance: 10 Jan. 2009 Final papers to be received: 1 Feb. 2009 Authors / Early registration: 16 Feb. 2009 Symposium: 4 Jun - 5 Jun 2009 8. REGISTRATION Please refer to the KES-AMSTA-09 website ")http://amsta-09.kesinternational.org 9. CONTACT DETAILS Email: amsta-09@kesinternational.org Postal Address:- KES International_2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street London EC1V 4PY United Kingdom Best regards, KES-AMSTA-09 Organizing Committee |