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ECOOP 2009 : European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming


Conference Series : European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
When Jul 6, 2009 - Jul 10, 2009
Where Genova, Italy
Submission Deadline Dec 20, 2008
Notification Due Feb 20, 2009
Final Version Due Apr 14, 2009
Categories    programming languages   software engineering

Call For Papers

The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming will be held in July of 2009 at Palazzo Ducale in Genova. ECOOP 2009 is the 23rd edition of the ECOOP Conference Series, which aim at bringing together people, industrial and academic, interested in a wide spectrum of technologies related to object-oriented area. The ECOOP conference lasts for a week. Plenary sessions take place the last three days of the conference, whereas monday and tuesday are dedicated to numerous workshops and tutorials.

Technical papers

The ECOOP 2009 conference invites high quality papers presenting research or experience related to object technology. ECOOP has a wide spectrum interest in object-orientation, so the following list of suggested topics is by no means exclusive. The conference welcomes novel contributions to the field, and encourages authors from other communities whose ideas have an impact in object-orientation to submit and participate in the conference.

* Analysis, design methods and design patterns
* Concurrent, real-time or parallel systems
* Databases, persistence and transactions
* Distributed and mobile systems
* Frameworks, product lines and software architectures
* Language design and implementation
* Testing and metrics
* Programming environments and tools
* Theoretical foundations, type systems, formal methods
* Versioning, compatibility, software evolution
* Aspects, Components, Modularity, Adaptability
* Domain Specific Languages, Language Workbenches
* Dynamic, Multi-paradigm, Constraint, Rule Languages
* Collaboration, Workflow

Research papers should describe work that advances the current state of this art. Experience papers should be of broad interest and should describe insights gained from substantive practical applications.

The program committee will evaluate each contributed paper based on its relevance, significance, clarity, and originality.

Technical papers must be electronically submitted through the ECOOP 2009 online submission system.

For information about formatting your paper please consult the Springer LNCS "Author Instructions". Papers must be written in English, and be not longer than 10,000 words or 25 pages in Springer LNCS format.

Please note that ECOOP, consistently with other scientific conferences, accepts only original papers that have not been published and are not under review for publication elsewhere.

Technical paper deadlines
Full paper submission December 16, 2008
Notification of acceptance February 20, 2009
Camera ready copy-due April 14, 2009

ECOOP 2009 will host a number of workshops related to object-oriented technology. Workshops serve as a forum for exchanging emerging research and practice ideas. They typically focus on in-depth or cross-domain areas related to object-oriented technology.

Workshops may last 1 or 2 days and will be held on Monday and Tuesday (6, 7 July).

Workshop deadlines
Workshops proposals December 16, 2008
Notification of acceptance January 30, 2009
Workshop call for papers February 27, 2009
Workshop paper submission April 28, 2009

ECOOP 2009 will host a number of tutorials addressing different areas of (post) object-orientation. Typical ECOOP tutorials last a half or one day. A tutorial's purpose is to give a deeper or more covering insight into its area than a conventional lecture would do. Tutorial levels may be introductory, intermediate, or advanced. Novel topics and topics of broad interest are preferred.

Tutorials may last 1/2 or 1 day and will be held on Monday and Tuesday (6, 7 July).

Tutorial deadlines
Tutorial submissions December 16, 2008
Notification of acceptance February 20, 2009
Camera-ready notes May 28, 2009

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