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ISPDC 2009 : 8th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing


Conference Series : International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
When Jun 30, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009
Where Lisbon, Portugal
Submission Deadline Jan 16, 2009
Notification Due Mar 6, 2009
Final Version Due Apr 3, 2009
Categories    parallel computing   cluster   grid

Call For Papers

We are proud to announce the 2009 edition of the International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC'2009), which on its 8th year will take place in Lisbon, Portugal.

The increasing computational requirements of many applications require the development of new algorithms and arquitectures for parallel and distributed computing. The ISPDC conference serves as a forum for engineers and researchers to present and discuss new ideas and system technology, with an interactive and friendly, but strongly professional atmosphere.

The previous symposia were held with success in: Iasi, Romania (2002), Ljubljana, Slovenia (2003), Cork, Ireland (2004), Lille, France (2005), Timisoara, Romania (2006), Hagenberg, Austria (2007) and Krakow, Poland (2008).

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) describing new theoretical and/or experimental research. The conference scope will be focussed on but not limited to the following topics:

* Parallel Computing
* Cluster Computing
* Grid Computing
* Multicore Architectures and Algorithms
* Web Services and Internet Computing
* Cooperative and Collaborative Computing
* Peer-to-peer Computing
* Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
* New Parallel System Concepts and Architectures
* Distributed Systems Methodology and Networking
* Software Agents and Multi-agent Systems
* Algorithms, Models and Formal Verification
* Parallel Programming Paradigms and APIs
* Tools and Environments for Parallel Program Analysis
* Operating Systems for Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Task Scheduling and Load Balancing
* Performance Management in Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Parallel, Distributed and Mobile Databases
* Distributed Software Components
* Real-time Distributed and Parallel Systems
* Security in Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Fault Tolerance in Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Bio-inspired Parallel Algorithms
* Parallel Scientific Computing and Large Scale Simulations
* Parallel and Distributed Applications
* Network convergence
* Urban networks and applications
* Vehicular networks

Authors are invited to electronically submit papers of up to 8 pages in IEEE Computer Society style (instructions in DOC/PDF format), PDF format, in the following website The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. A set of the best papers may be considered for a journal special issue.
Conference Topics

* Parallel Computing
* Cluster Computing
* Grid Computing
* Multicore Architectures and Algorithms
* Web Services and Internet Computing
* Cooperative and Collaborative Computing
* Peer-to-peer Computing
* Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
* New Parallel System Concepts and Architectures
* Distributed Systems Methodology and Networking
* Software Agents and Multi-agent Systems
* Algorithms, Models and Formal Verification
* Parallel Programming Paradigms and APIs
* Tools and Environments for Parallel Program Analysis
* Operating Systems for Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Task Scheduling and Load Balancing
* Performance Management in Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Parallel, Distributed and Mobile Databases
* Distributed Software Components
* Real-time Distributed and Parallel Systems
* Security in Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Fault Tolerance in Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Bio-inspired Parallel Algorithms
* Parallel Scientific Computing and Large Scale Simulations
* Parallel and Distributed Applications
* Network convergence
* Urban networks and applications
* Vehicular networks

Submission deadline: January 16, 2009
Notification of acceptance: March 6, 2009
Final paper version due: April 3, 2009

Related Resources

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