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FLAIRS 2009 : Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling: A Special Track at the 22nd International FLAIRS Conference


When May 19, 2009 - May 21, 2009
Where Sanibel Island, FL, USA
Submission Deadline Nov 23, 2008
Notification Due Jan 23, 2009
Final Version Due Feb 23, 2009
Categories    artificial intelligence   planning

Call For Papers

Planning belongs to fundamental subjects of Artificial Intelligence since its beginning and sessions on planning are an integral part of major AI conferences. Via generating activities necessary to achieve some goal, planning is also closely related to scheduling that deals with allocation of activities to scarce resources. Though planning and scheduling communities are somehow separated, both areas interact more and more in recent years especially when dealing with real-life problems.

The FLAIRS 2009 conference special track on AI Planning and Scheduling attracts papers from all areas of AI planning and scheduling. Papers bridging both areas and application papers are especially welcome. Pure scheduling (timetabling) papers that use AI techniques such as constraint satisfaction or integrate with planning are also eligible.

FLAIRS 2008 already hosted the first special track on AI planning and scheduling.

* Applications and case studies from planning and scheduling
* Methodologies and tools for specification, design, implementation, and validation of planning and scheduling systems
* Constraint-based planning and scheduling
* Search for planning and scheduling
* Distributed and multi-agent planning and scheduling
* Knowledge engineering techniques for planning and scheduling
* Planning with resources and time constraints
* Hierarchical task network planning
* Dynamic scheduling
* Mixed-initiative planning and scheduling
* Plan and schedule execution, monitoring and repair
* Planning and scheduling under uncertainty
* Anytime and real-time planning and scheduling

Publication and Paper Submission

Submitted papers must be original, and not submitted concurrently to a journal or another conference. Papers will be refereed and all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings which will be published by AAAI Press. Authors can submit full papers (up to 6 pages) or poster papers (up to 2 pages). All papers must be formatted according to the AAAI guidelines. Fake author names and affiliations must be used on submitted papers, to provide double-blind reviewing. Papers must be submitted in PDF format through the FLAIRS-22 online submission system. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign a form transferring copyright of their contribution to AAAI. An author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend FLAIRS, and present the paper.
Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 23rd November 2008
Notification of paper decisions: 25th January 2009
Final version of papers due: 25th February 2009

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