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MT Summit 2009 : Machine Translation Summit XII


When Aug 26, 2009 - Aug 30, 2009
Where Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Submission Deadline Apr 28, 2009
Notification Due Jun 12, 2009
Final Version Due Jul 10, 2009
Categories    NLP   machine translation

Call For Papers


August 26-30, 2009

Château Laurier, Ottawa



The Twelfth Machine Translation Summit, organized by the International Association for Machine Translation and the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, will be held at the Château Laurier, Ottawa, Canada, 26-30 August 2009.

MT Summit XII will bring together scientists, developers, and users of machine translation and other tools for multilingual processing. The conference will survey the international state of the art and practice in machine translation with:

* A full research program track
* Government and Commercial user program tracks
* Special sessions on technology in translator training and tools for translators
* A technology showcase with live demonstrations of MT systems and applications incorporating machine translation.

Before the main conference, one full day (Wednesday, August 26) will be devoted to tutorials, and after the conference another day (Sunday, August 30) will be devoted to specialized workshops. These wide-ranging activities will allow participants from research, business, and government to get together to explore how to use machine translation technology to conquer language barriers and overcome the digital divide. The present call concerns research papers only; separate calls will be made for Commercial and Government user Presentations and Case Studies, as well as for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals.

Research Program Committee

The research program committee will be co-chaired by Pierre Isabelle and Roland Kuhn, both from the National Research Council of Canada. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three experts.

Research Papers

MT Summit XII seeks original papers about all aspects of machine translation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* MT technology
* Translation environments (workflow, support tools, conversion tools for lexica, etc.)
* Translation aids (translation memory, terminology databases, etc.)
* Human factors in MT and user interfaces for MT
* MT combined with other technologies (speech translation, cross-language information retrieval, multilingual text categorization, multilingual text summarization, multilingual natural language generation, etc.)
* Dictionaries and lexica for MT
* Text and speech corpora for MT, and knowledge extraction for MT
* Standards in text and lexicon encoding for MT
* MT evaluation techniques and evaluation results.

There will be two categories of research papers:

(R) Regular papers: Submissions are invited for reports of significant research results in any aspect of machine translation and related areas. Such reports should include a substantial evaluation component.

(P) Poster presentations (with or without demonstration): Submissions are invited for presentations that are best suited for poster sessions, which are more interactive. Submissions are also invited for reports on the design, implementation, operation and evaluation of operational and prototype systems.

Both types of paper should include a 100 word abstract, and up to 5 keywords. MT Summit XII uses electronic submission through the START conference tool (LINK). Guidelines for authors will be available soon at the conference website

Important Dates

Submissions Due: April 28, 2009

Author notification: June 12, 2009

Final versions due: July 10, 2009

Tutorials: August 26, 2009

Main conference: August 27-29, 2009

Workshops: August 30, 2009

A few words about Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa is Canada?s capital and the fourth-largest city in Canada (1.2 million people). Nestled on the banks of the Ottawa, Gatineau, and Rideau Rivers, Ottawa has more scientists, engineers, and PhDs per capita than any other city in the country. It is known for the large number of parks and lakes that surround it, as well as for the numerous cultural institutions it contains.

The conference venue, the Fairmount Château Laurier, is located in the heart of downtown next to the Parliament Buildings and not far from the National Gallery and the National Arts Centre. It is a magnificent limestone edifice with turrets and masonry reminiscent of a French château.

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