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SPIRE 2009 : 16th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval


Conference Series : String Processing and Information Retrieval
When Aug 25, 2009 - Aug 27, 2009
Where Saariselka, Finland
Submission Deadline May 1, 2009
Categories    IR   information retrieval

Call For Papers

SPIRE 2009
16th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval

25-27 August 2009

Saariselka, Finland


1 May 2009
(based on International Date Line West, corresponds to 2 May 12:00 UTC/GMT)

SPIRE 2009 is the 16th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval. The first four editions of the conference focused primarily on string processing and were held in South America under the title WSP (South American Workshop on String Processing). WSP was transformed into SPIRE in 1998, when the scope of the conference was broadened to include information retrieval. This was motivated by the increasing relevance of information retrieval and its close inter- relationship with string processing. The last three SPIRE conference sites have been Glasgow, Scotland (2006), Santiago, Chile (2007) and Melbourne, Australia (2008). The conference proceedings have been published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series since 2002. This tradition continues also in 2009.

SPIRE 2009 will be organized by the Department of Computer Sciences of University of Tampere, Finland. The conference will take place in the village of Saariselka, which is located in northern Finland ("Lapland"), some 250 km north of the polar circle. The surrounding nature and lack of big city noise and other such distractions will provide a peaceful setting for the conference. Despite its population of merely around 350 people, Saariselka is a popular travel destination with good services. The conference hotel has hosted even minister-level meetings of the European Union. Saariselka offers good opportunitied for enjoying beautiful unspoilt nature e.g. by hiking, biking, or canoeing. In addition to the magnificent landscape dominated by numerous fells, popular nearby attractions include e.g. active gold panning sites along river Lemmenjoki, the 3rd largest lake in Finland (Lake Inari), reindeer farms, and cultural sites related to the indigenous Sami people. See for more information.

SPIRE 2009 covers research in all aspects of string processing, information retrieval, computational biology, pattern matching, semi-structured data, and related applications. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* String Processing: dictionary algorithms, text searching, pattern matching, text and sequence compression, text mining, natural language processing, and automata based string processing.

* Information Retrieval (IR): IR modeling, evaluation, indexing, ranking and filtering, interface design, visualization, cross-lingual IR systems, multimedia IR, digital libraries, collaborative retrieval, and Web related applications.

* Interaction of biology and computation: DNA sequencing and applications in molecular biology, evolution and phylogenetics, recognition of genes and regulatory elements, and sequence driven protein structure prediction.

* Information Retrieval languages and applications: XML, semi-structured data retrieval, language models (both structural and semantic), knowledge representation, text mining, and generation of structured data from text.

We plan to host workshops on topics in both string processing and information retrieval. The workshops will take place after the main conference, on 28 August 2009. More details will be posted on the conference website.

SPIRE 2009 will invite submissions in two categories: long papers (12 pages) and short papers (6 pages). Submissions should be anonymous and formatted using LNCS style. At least three reviewers will evaluate each paper based on its originality, quality and significance of theoretical and/or practical contribution, the validity and robustness of the used methodology, and the overall contribution to our understanding of the context of the work. More detailed submission instructions will be posted on the conference website.

- Jorma Tarhio, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
- Jussi Karlgren, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden

Information will appear soon on the conference website.

Jussi Karlgren
SPIRE 2009 Program Committee Co-chair for Information Retrieval

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