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CAT09 2.0 2009 : Context-Awareness Trust and Web 2.0 Trust | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://cat09.telin.nl | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
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* CAT09 2.0 * * Context-Awareness Trust and Web 2.0 Trust * ************************************************************** * 3rd CAT: Int. Workshop on Combining Context * * with Security, Privacy and Trust * * + * * 2nd W2TRUST: Int. Workshop on Web 2.0 Trust * ************************************************************** * http://cat09.telin.nl * -------------------------------------------------------------- * held in IFPTM'09, 3rd IFIP Int. Conf. on Trust Management * * http://projects.cerias.purdue.edu/IFIPTM/index.html * * Purdue, West Lafayette, USA * * ********************************************************** * IMPORTANT DATES ---------------- Papers (Abstracts): 13th March 2009 Papers: 20th March 2009 Notification: 12th April 2009 Camera Ready: 3rd May 2009 Workshop: 15th June 2009 SCOPE --------------------- The Joint CAT09 2.0 workshop aims at stimulating an active exchange of new ideas on (i) interrelations between context-awareness and security, privacy & trust (ii) what kind and what amount of trust can be reposed in Web 2.0 platforms. The workshop intents to bring together scientists and engineers that are active in the areas of context-awareness, Web 2.0, trust management, privacy and security to discuss the state of the art, to identify open and emerging problems, to share research experiences, and to propose future research directions. It welcomes computer science researchers as well as researchers from social sciences, behavioral science, and cognitive science. WORKSHOP TOPICS ---------------------- Contributions should focus on combining Context-Awareness and Trust, Security & Privacy or Web2.0 and Trust mainly, but not limited, to the following areas: Secure mashup technologies Social networks and media Service oriented architectures % Identity management Context-aware social aspects Use cases and prototypes % Solutions for the Web Web services Grid environments % Users perception Web applications Virtual organizations % Software architecture Data and data sources Sensors networks % Policies and policy languages Data aggregation and integration Cloud computing % Communication protocols Recommender, reputation systems Enhancement technologies and solutions % Usage control in distributed media Bio-inspired networks New technologies (e.g., AJAX) % Quantitative and qualitative analysis Usability and quality of context Formal models TENTATIVE PROGRAM COMMITTEE --------------------------- Benjamin Aziz (STFC, UK) Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel (INTEL Labs) Ji-Won Byun (Oracle Labs, USA) Barbara Carminati (Univ. of Insubria, Italy) Marco Casassa-Mont (HP Labs, USA) Christian Damsgaard Jensen (DTU, Denmark) Mohamed Elfeky (Google Labs, USA) Rodolfo Ferrini (Univ. Bologna, Italy) Tyrone W. Grandison (IBM Almaden Research, USA) Bob Hulsebosch (Telematica Instituut \& Novay, NL) Mario Hoffmann (Fraunhofer-Institut SIT, Germany) Maddy Janse (Philips Research, The Netherlands) Anders Kofod-Petersen (NTNU, Norway) Paolo Mori (IIT-CNR, Italy) Daniel Olmedilla (Telefonica R&D, Spain) Federica Paci (Purdue University, USA) Daniele Quercia (Univ. College London, UK) Daniele Riboni (Univ. Milano, Italy) Monica Scannapieco (ISTAT , Italy) Daniel Schreckling (Univ. Passau, Germany) Jean-Marc Seigneur (Univ.~Geneva \& Venyo, CH) Danfeng Yao (Rutgers Univ., USA ) Yan Zheng (Nokia Research Center, Finland) PAPER SUBMISSION ---------------- Theoretical and applied research papers are welcome. - Full papers (limited to 12 pages) describe high-quality original unpublished research, case studies, and implementation experiences. - Short papers (limited to 4 pages) describe original ongoing research or properly motivated future research. Please our web page to read submission conditions and guideline. PROCEEDINGS ----------- A preprint version of the proceedings will available at the workshop. Accepted papers will be published in a post-workshop proceedings volume (CEUR-WS.org - ISSN 1613-0073) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ------------------- Gabriele Lenzini (Telematica Instituut & Novay, The Netherlands) Anna Cinzia Squicciarini(The Pennsylvania State Univ., USA) Marinella Petrocchi (IIT-CNR, Italy) Mohamed Shehab (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA) CONTACT ------- For more information please visit out web site |