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KEYS 2009 : First ACM International Workshop on Keyword Search on Structured Data


When Jun 28, 2009 - Jun 28, 2009
Where Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Abstract Registration Due Apr 3, 2009
Submission Deadline Apr 10, 2009
Notification Due May 8, 2009
Categories    information retrieval   IR

Call For Papers

First ACM International Workshop on
Keyword Search on Structured Data (KEYS 2009)

June 28th, 2009
Providence, Rhode Island, USA

(collocated with ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2009)

There are also vast collections of structured and semi-structured data both on the Web and in enterprises, such as relational databases, XML data, etc. Traditionally, to access these resources, a user must learn structured query languages, and must be able to access data schemas, which are most likely heterogeneous, complex, and fast-evolving. To relieve web and scientific users from the learning curve and enable them to easily access structured and semi-structured data, there is a growing research interest to support keyword search on these data sources.
The aim of this workshop is to encourage researchers from both academia and industry communities to discuss the opportunities and challenges in keyword search on (semi-)structured data, and to present the key issues and novel techniques in this area. We invite papers from researchers and practitioners working in relational databases, data warehouses, XML, information extraction, natural language processing, probabilistic databases, and related areas to submit their original papers to this workshop.


The main topics of the workshop include but not limited to:
* Keyword search on relational databases and data warehouses
* Keyword search on XML data
* Keyword search on extracted data from text documents
* Keyword on other data structures (e.g. workflows, annotated images)
* Keyword search on data streams and continuous monitoring systems
* Ranking schemes
* Top-K query processing
* Result snippet generation
* Result clustering
* Query cleaning
* User preferences and feedback
* Handling data uncertainty in keyword search
* Search quality evaluation
* Performance optimization


Abstract Submission: April 3, 2009 (midnight PST)
Paper Submission: April 10, 2009 (midnight PST)
Notification of Acceptance: May 8, 2009
Workshop Date: June 28, 2009


Regular research papers reporting original scientific results, as well as vision and work-in-progress papers that have the potential to stimulate debate on existing solutions or identify emerging challenges are encouraged.

We also welcome demonstration proposals and posters to foster interaction, to present system perspective on real problems, and to introduce innovative concepts.

Papers should be formatted according to the ACM guidelines and SIG proceedings templates, and submitted electronically in PDF format. A research paper should be 4-6 pages, and a demonstration proposal or poster should be 2 pages. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.

Accepted papers, demonstration proposals and posters will be included in SIGMOD DiSC. This ensures wide dissemination and high visibility (e.g. in the ACM Digital Library and DBLP). Online proceedings will additionally be hosted at the workshop web site.

The extended version of the best papers from the workshop will be recommended to WWWJ.


General Chair: M. Tamer Ozsu (University of Waterloo)

Program Committee Co-chairs:
Yi Chen (Arizona State University)
Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Program Committee:
Chee-Yong Chan (National University of Singapore)
Jianhua Feng (Tsinghua University)
Gautam Gas (University of Texas at Arlington)
Sudipto Guha (University of Pennsylvania)
Vagelis Hristidis (Florida International University)
Ihab Ilyas (University of Waterloo)
Xuemin Lin (The University of New South Wales)
Ziyang Liu (Arizona State University)
Xiaofeng Meng (Renmin University)
Bongki Moon (Univ of Arizona)
Ullas Nambiar (IBM India Research Lab)
Fatma Ozcan (IBM Research)
Dimitris Papadias (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Berthold Reinwald (IBM Research)
Jun Tatemura (NEC)
Anthony Tung (National University of Singapore)
Jeffrey Xu Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Xiaohui Yu (York University)
Xiaofang Zhou (The University of Queensland)

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