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AT4DL 2009 : Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries


When Sep 8, 2009 - Sep 8, 2009
Where Trento, Italy
Submission Deadline Jun 18, 2009
Notification Due Jul 30, 2009
Final Version Due Aug 25, 2009
Categories    digital libraries

Call For Papers

Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries 2009 (AT4DL
8th September 2009, Trento (Italy)

Submission deadline: 18 June 2009

The fast growth of digital material is challenging for research in
many disciplines. The EU has funded many projects to advance research
in this field and facilitate end-user access to cultural and
scientific heritage. The ENRICH, Europeana, CACAO, GAMA, NEEO and
TELplus projects, funded by the eContentplus programme, call 2006, have joined
forces to organise a workshop as a satellite event of ICSD 2009 (

The workshop aims to bring together stakeholders in order to present
an overview of state-of-the-art systems in the field and identify open
research problems that require further work.

We invite submissions of extended abstracts describing running
projects in the field of Digital Libraries. Research projects of any
size are welcome, ranging from EU to PhD projects. Preference will be
given to projects that will be able to demonstrate a functioning
prototype. We also invite the submission of posters describing
research in progress that will be on display during the workshop.

We are particularly interested in the following topics:

* Analysis of users' requirements and use of DL systems.
* DL systems for supporting e-research.
* Integration of Classification Systems, Subject Headings and IR
* Multi-modal indexing of DLs.
* Language Technologies: cross document co-reference and temporal
information extraction.
* Linking and clustering data in DLs.
* Ontology learning for DL systems.

Each extended abstract may consist of up to three (3) pages of content
and one (1) extra page for references.
Submissions should be made following the Author's Instructions for
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Submission/reviewing will be electronic, managed by the EasyChair
system. The only accepted format for submitted papers is Adobe PDF.
The PDF file of the paper must be uploaded to the system by the
submission deadline. See details at the workshop website:

* Paper Submission: 18 June 2009
* Notification of Acceptance: 30 July 2009
* Camera Ready Deadline: 25 August 2009

* In the morning, short presentations of accepted abstracts
* In the afternoon, posters and demos time
* Closing section with a general discussion

All the accepted abstracts and posters will be made available online
before the Workshop as pre-prints published in "Bozen-Bolzano
University Press" series and will be distributed on a CD at the time
of the workshop. Following the workshop, it is planned to publish the
full papers as post-proceedings in Springer LNCS, the publication of
which is expected in early 2010.


* Raffaella Bernardi, (CACAO, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
* Sally Chambers (TELplus-CACAO, The European Library) (co-chair)
* Bj?rn Gottfried, (GAMA, University of Bremen) (co-chair)

* Jos? Borbinha (Instituto Superior T?cnico, Lisbon, Portgual)
* Vittore Casarosa (ISTI CNR, Italy)
* Carl Demeyere (NEEO, K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
* Stefan Gradmann (Europeana, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin,
* Jakub Heller (ENRICH, Cross Czech a.s., Czech Republic)
* Antoine Isaac (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
* Udo Kruschwitz (Essex University, UK)
* Patrice Landry (MACS project, Swiss National Library,
* Andreas Lattner (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
* Mikolaj Leszczuk (AGH Krakow, Poland)
* Bernardo Magnini (FBK, Italy)
* Stefan Pletschacher (University of Salford, UK)
* Massimo Poesio (University of Trento, Italy)
* Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
* Pasquale Savino (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
* Viliam Simko (CIANT, Prague, Czech Republic)
* Massimo Zancanaro (FBK, Italy)

If you have any questions, please contact the Co-Chairs of the
Programme Committee by sending an email to:

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