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CIKM 2010 : International Conference on Information and Knowledge ManagementConference Series : Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.yorku.ca/jhuang/cikm10 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
CIKM 2010 will take place in Toronto. Toronto is Canada's largest city. More than 60% of the US population live within a 90-minute flight to Toronto. The city of Toronto is easily accessible from all the major international cities in the world and Toronto Pearson International Airport has non-stop or the same plane service to 42 United States cities and 56 other international cities such as Rome, Paris, Frankfurt, London, Beijing, Tokyo and Warsaw.
Since 1992, the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers from the database, information retrieval, and knowledge management communities. The purpose of the conference is to identify challenging problems facing the development of future knowledge and information systems, and to shape future research directions through the publication of high quality, applied and theoretical research findings. In CIKM 2010, we will continue the tradition of promoting collaboration among multiple areas. We encourage submissions of high quality papers on all topics in the general areas of databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. Papers that bridge across these areas are of special interest and will be considered for a "Best Interdisciplinary Paper" award. The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) provides a leading international forum for presentation and discussion of research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances on data and knowledge bases. CIKM also has a strong tradition of workshops devoted to emerging areas of database management, IR, and related fields such as Web Information and Knowledge Managment. Workshops vary from year to year. Program Committee CIKM 2010 Program Committee Chairs by Area * Database (Nick Koudas, University of Toronto, Canada) * Information Retrieval (Eugene Agichtein, Emory University, USA) (Charles Clarke, University of Waterloo, Canada) * Knowledge Management (Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA) * Indusry (Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Microsoft Research, USA) CIKM 2010 Database Nick Koudas, University of Toronto, Canada Meta-Reviewers (Track Chairs) Peter Boncz, CWI, The Netherlands Graham Cormode, AT&T Labs, USA Juliana Freire, University of Utah, USA Irini Fundulaki, ICS-FORTH, Greece Carl-Christian Kanne, University of Mannheim, Germany Nick Koudas, University of Toronto, Canada Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Atsuyuki Morishima, University of Tsukuba, Japan Fatma Ozcan, IBM Almaden, USA Wang Chiew Tan, University of California Santa Cruz, USA Rebecca Wright, Rutgers University, USA Program Committee Members Ashraf Aboulnaga, University of Waterloo, Canada Silvia Abrahao, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Eytan Adar, University of Washington, USA Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University, USA Reza Akbarinia, University of Waterloo, Canada Toshiyuki Amagasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan Bernd Amann, LIP6, France Yuan An, Drexel University, USA Paul Aoki, Intel Research, USA Marcelo Arenas, PUC Chile, Chile Catriel Beeri, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Omar Benjelloun, Google, USA Sonia Bergamaschi, Universita di Modena, Italy Enrico Bertini, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA Angela Bonifati, CNR, Italy Luc Bouganim, INRIA Rocquencourt, France Tiziana Catarci, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy Chee-Yong Chan, National University of Singapore, Singapore Kevin C. Chang, University of Illinois, USA Yi Chen, Arizona State University, USA James Cheney, University of Edinburgh, UK Junghoo (John) Cho, University of California Los Angeles, USA Byron Choi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Isabel Cruz, The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Nilesh Dalvi, Yahoo! Research, USA Alexander Dekhtyar, California Polytechnic State University, USA Alin Deutsch, University of California San Diego, USA Xin (Luna) Dong, AT&T Labs, USA Amr El Abbadi, University of California Santa Barbara, USA Marcus Fontoura, Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-Rio), Brazil Juliana Freire, University of Utah, USA Benjamin Fung, Concordia University, Canada Ariel Fuxman, Microsoft Research, USA Helena Galhardas, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Floris Geerts, University of Edinburgh, UK Michael Gertz, University of California at Davis, USA Lise Getoor, University of Maryland, USA Torsten Grust, Universitat Tubingen, Germany Claudio Gutierrez, Universidad de Chile, Chile Jayant Haritsa, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India Sven Helmer, Birbeck University of London, UK Jan Hidders, University of Antwerp, Belgium Howard Ho, IBM Almaden, USA Polly Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Panagiotis Ipeirotis, New York University, USA Zachary Ives, University of Pennsylvania, USA Vanja Josifovski, Yahoo! Research, USA Grigoris Karvounarakis, University of Pennsylvania, USA Bettina Kemme, McGill University, Canada Krishnaram Kenthapadi, Microsoft Research, USA Yannis Kotidis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Nick Koudas, University of Toronto, Canada Georgia Koutrika, Stanford University, USA Alberto Laender, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Paul Larson, Microsoft Research, USA Kristen LeFevre, University of Michigan, USA Ulf Leser, Humboldt-Universitat, Germany Chen Li, University of California; Irvine, USA Feifei Li, Florida State University, USA Jie Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, UK Jayant Madhavan, Google Inc., USA Murali Mani, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Amelie Marian, Rutgers University, USA Andrew McGregor, University of California San Diego, USA Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain Gerome Miklau, University of Massachussets, USA Paolo Missier, University of Manchester, UK Prasenjit Mitra, Penn State University, USA Mirella M Moro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Thomas Neumann, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany Matthias Nicola, IBM Sillicon Valley Lab, USA Moira Norrie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Byung-Won On, University of British Columbia, Canada Esther Pacitti, INRIA Nantes, France Themis Palpanas, University of Trento, Italy Stelios Paparizos, Microsoft Research, USA Fabio Paterno, CNR-ISTI, Italy Evaggelia Pitoura, University of Ioannina, Greece Geert Poels, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Neoklis Polyzotis, University of California Santa Cruz, USA Sriram Raghavan, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA Maya Ramanath, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany Arnon Rosenthal, The Mitre Corporation, USA Gustavo Rossi, La Plata National University, Argentina Marie-Christine Rousset, University of Grenoble, France George Samaras, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Monica Scannapieco, University of Rome, Italy Jayavel Shanmugasundaram, Yahoo! Research, USA Aya Soffer, IBM Research Haifa, Israel Ioana Roxana Stanoi, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA Jimeng Sun, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Egemen Tanin, University of Melbourne, Australia Nesime Tatbul, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Dilys Thomas, Oracle, USA Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas at Dallas, USA Frank Tompa, University of Waterloo, Canada Agma Traina, University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos, Brazil Panagiotis Tsaparas, Microsoft Research, USA Kristin Tufte, Portland State University, USA Jean Vanderdonckt, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Yannis Velegrakis, University of Trento, Italy Vassilios Verykios, University of Thessaly, Greece Stratis Viglas, University of Edinburgh, UK X. Sean Wang, University of Vermont, USA Wendy Hui Wang, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA Yuqing Melanie Wu, Indiana University, USA Jun Yang, Duke University, USA Man Lung Yiu, Aalborg University, Denmark Cong Yu, Yahoo! Research, USA Jingren Zhou, Microsoft Research, USA CIKM 2010 Information Retrieval Eugene Agichtein, Emory University, USA Charles Clarke, University of Waterloo, Canada Meta-reviewers (Track chairs) Program Committee Members CIKM 2010 Knowledge Management Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA Meta-reviewers (Track chairs) Naoki Abe, IBM Research, USA Paul Buitelaar, DFKI, Germany Nitesh Chawla, University of Notre Dame, USA Hsin-His Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Dennis Decoste, Microsoft Live Labs, USA Ryaid Ghani, Accenture Technology Labs, USA Marko Grobelnik, Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Joost Kok, Leiden University, The Netherlands Henry Lieberman, MIT, USA Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research Asia, China Alexander Tuzhilin, Stern School of Business New York University, USA Program Committee Members Sibel Adali, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Aijun An, York University, Canada Michael Berthold, University of Konstanz, Germany Mikhail Bilenko, Microsoft Research, USA Jean-Francois Boulicaut, INSA Lyon, France Andrei Broder, Yahoo! Research, USA Greg Buehrer, Microsoft Live Labs, USA Michael Burl, JPL/NASA, USA Pablo Castells, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain Rebecca Cathey, BAE Systems, USA Edward Chang, Google Research, Cambodia Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan Univiersity, Taiwan David Cheung, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong David Cieslak, Notre Dame, USA Alfredo Cuzzocrea, University of Calabria, Italy Gautam Das, University of Texas at Arlington, USA Ian Davidson, University of California Davis, USA Luc De Raedt, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Li Ding, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Martin Dzbor, Knowledge Media Institute, UK Andre Falcao, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Wei Fan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA George Forman, HP Labs, USA Vasco Furtado, University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil Johannes Furnkranz, TU Darmstadt, Germany Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR, Italy Minos Garofalakis, Yahoo! Research and UC-Berkeley, USA Amol Ghoting, IBM Research, USA Natalie Glance, Google, USA Eric Glover, searchme, USA Shantanu Godbole, IBM Research, India Nazli Goharian, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA Fernando Gomez, University of Central Florida, USA Joshua Goodman, Microsoft, USA Robert Grossman, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Tom Gruber, Active Technologies, USA Greg Hamerly, Baylor University, USA Otthein Herzog, TZI Universitaet Bremen, Germany Wynne Hsu, National University of Singapore, Singapore Matthew Hurst, Microsoft Live Labs, USA Arantza Illarramendi, University of Basque Country, Spain Nathalie Japkowicz, University of Ottawa, Canada Szymon Jaroszewicz, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland Rosie Jones, Yahoo! Research, USA Lalana Kagal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA George Karypis, University of Minnesota, USA Elisa Kendall, Sandpiper Software Inc., USA Eamonn Keogh, University of California Riverside, USA Adam Kowalczyk, National ICT Australia, Australia Stepen Kwek, Microsoft Corp, USA Jure Leskovec, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Hang Li, Microsoft Research Asia, China Ping Li, Cornell University, USA Dekang Lin, Google, USA Chin-Yew Lin, Microsoft Research Asia, China Huan Liu, Arizona State University, USA Chang-Tien Lu, Virginia Tech, USA Marco Maggini, University of Siena, Italy Mark Maloof, Georgetown University, USA Stan Matwin, University of Ottawa, Canada Prem Melville, IBM Research, USA Rosa Meo, University of Torino, Italy Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University, USA Shinichi Morishita, University of Tokyo, Japan Ion Muslea, Language Weaver, USA Olfa Nasraoui, University of Louisville, USA Jennifer Neville, Purdue University, USA Tim Oates, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA Terry Payne, University of Southampton, UK Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, University of Texas El Paso, USA Alexandrin Popescul, Yahoo!, USA Katharina Probst, Accenture Technology Labs, USA Shyamsudar Rajaram, HP Labs, USA Zbigniew Ras, University of North Carolina, USA Rajeev Rastogi, Yahoo! Labs Bangalore, India Mirek Riedewald, Cornell University, USA Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria Einoshin Suzuki, Kyushu University, Japan Ernest Teniente, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain Junichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo, Japan Anthony Tung, National University of Singapore, Singapore Jeffrey Ullman, Stanford University, USA Wei Wang, University of North Carolina, USA Haixun Wang, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA Takashi Washio, Osaka University, Japan Ji-Rong Wen, Microsoft Research Asia, China Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA Hui Xiong, Rutgers University, USA Jeffrey Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Scott Wen-tau Yih, Microsoft Research, USA Lei Yu, Binghamton University, USA Osmar Zaiane, University of Alberta, Canada Mohammed Zaki, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Jianping Zhang, MITRE, USA Zhongfei Zhang, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA Elena Zheleva, University of Maryland, USA CIKM 2010 Industry Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Microsoft Research, USA Program Committee Members Adam Beguelin, Independent, USA Steve Beitzel, Telcordia Technologies, USA Eric Burger, SIP Forum, USA Serg Egelman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Garry Faulkner, Harris Corporation, USA Jan Gehrke, University of Bremen, Germany David Grossman, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA Jim Jansen, The Pennsylvania State University, USA Eric Jensen, Summize, USA Hagen Langer, University of Bremen, Germany Greg Linden, Microsoft Live Labs, USA Craig Murray, University of Maryland, USA Diego Puppin, Google, USA Kush SidhuKullabs, Kullabs, USA Jianping Zhang, Mitre, USA |